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A puff of air could deliver your next vaccine

Written by | 28 Mar 2023

Nobody likes needles, but they’re necessary for delivering many vaccines and biologics into the body. But what if those could be puffed through the skin instead, with just… read more.

COVID-19 vaccine acceptance increased globally in 2022

Written by | 13 Jan 2023

Global willingness to accept a COVID-19 vaccine increased from 75.2% in 2021 to 79.1% in 2022, according to a new survey of 23 countries that represent more than 60% of… read more.

National poll: 1 in 7 parents haven’t discussed vaccines with their child’s primary care provider during pandemic period

Written by | 22 Nov 2022

Parents may not always turn to health professionals for vaccine advice – and a small subset could even be avoiding the conversation – a new national poll suggests…. read more.

New Covid vaccine protects against two virus strains

Written by | 9 Oct 2022

The European Medicines Agency has approved new Covid-19 vaccines that protect against the original SARS-CoV-2 virus and omicron variants. These adapted vaccines are the first updated versions of… read more.

Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy does not appear to raise risk of preterm birth or stillbirth

Written by | 27 Aug 2022

Researchers report that vaccination against Covid-19 during pregnancy is not related to an increase in risk of preterm birth, small size for gestational age at birth or stillbirth…. read more.

New COVID-19 rapid-test technology performs PCR faster than similar tests on the market

Written by | 5 Aug 2022

For more than 30 years, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been the gold standard in molecular diagnostic testing, detecting genetic material, such as those from a virus or… read more.

COVID-19 vaccination does not appear to raise stroke or heart attack risk for patients with cardiovascular disease

Written by | 29 Jul 2022

Vaccination for COVID-19 does not appear to increase the risk of heart attack or stroke in patients with established cardiovascular disease, researchers reported on June 23, 2022 in Cardiovascular… read more.

How vaccine-related fears affect the flu shot experience

Written by | 22 Jul 2022

A novel long-term study of how vaccine-related fears influence flu shot outcomes has found that these fears not only reduce vaccination, but also fuel symptoms of dizziness and… read more.

Vaccine use in pregnancy: Deferring risk

Written by | 15 Jul 2022

Existing gaps and serious limitations concerning the information in vaccine product labels makes it challenging for healthcare providers to know when to recommend vaccination to pregnant women. A… read more.

“Breakthrough” COVID infections more prevalent and more dangerous for cancer patients

Written by | 3 Jun 2022

Breakthrough COVID-19 infection is more prevalent among vaccinated cancer patients than in the general population, and the results are more dangerous, researchers reported on April 8, 2022 in… read more.

Why COVID vaccines are deemed non-essential for UK young children

Written by | 31 May 2022

Throughout the pandemic the University of Huddersfield’s Department of Pharmacy has been raising awareness on what vaccines are, how they are formulated, and why they’re an important part of… read more.

Long COVID poses risks to vaccinated people, too

Written by | 28 May 2022

Even vaccinated people with mild breakthrough COVID-19 infections can experience debilitating, lingering symptoms that affect the heart, brain, lungs and other parts of the body, according to new… read more.

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