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Pilot study suggests artificial intelligence could help assess, improve heart transplant outcomes

Written by | 22 Mar 2022

Heart transplantation can be a lifesaving operation for patients with end-stage heart failure. However, many patients experience organ transplant rejection, in which the immune system begins attacking the… read more.

Positive early access decision by French Haute Autorité de Santé to use Idefirix as desensitization treatment for highly sensitized kidney transplant patients – Hansa Biopharma AB

Written by | 21 Mar 2022

Hansa Biopharma AB, the pioneer in enzyme technology for rare immunological conditions, announced that its first-in-class treatment Idefirix (imlifidase) has been granted early access post marketing authorization (Autorisation… read more.

Pig heart transplant patient dies after two months

Written by | 10 Mar 2022

David Bennet (aged 57 years), the first person to receive a transplanted heart from a gene-edited pig has died, the University of Maryland Medical Centre (UMMC) announced on… read more.

Racial disparities in kidney transplantation access are highest among young adults

Written by | 3 Mar 2022

In a retrospective study of adults initiating kidney failure treatment during 2011-2018, disparities in kidney transplantation by race were highest among patients age 22-44 years of age. Within this… read more.

Patient possibly cured of HIV infection by special stem-cell transplant

Written by | 23 Feb 2022

A patient living with HIV who received a blood stem cell transplant for high-risk acute myeloid leukemia has been free of the virus for 14 months after stopping… read more.

Creating universal blood-type organs for transplant

Written by | 19 Feb 2022

A study published in Science Translational Medicine performed at the Latner Thoracic Surgery Research Laboratories and UHN’s Ajmera Transplant Centre has proved that it is possible to convert blood type… read more.

Successful transplant of porcine heart into adult human with end-stage heart disease

Written by | 15 Jan 2022

In a first-of-its-kind surgery, a 57-year-old patient with terminal heart disease received a successful transplant of a genetically-modified pig heart and is still doing well three days later…. read more.

Stem cell therapy as potential glaucoma treatment

Written by | 2 Dec 2021

Oregon Health & Science University is part of a national research project investigating stem cell therapy as a potential treatment for glaucoma, the world’s second leading cause of blindness…. read more.

Transplants for alcohol-related liver inflammation surge during pandemic

Written by | 30 Nov 2021

The increased number of deceased donor liver transplants related to alcoholic hepatitis — up more than 50 percent over predicted numbers — was associated with rising alcohol sales…. read more.

External-beam radiation therapy underused for people with liver cancer awaiting transplant

Written by | 6 Nov 2021

First national analysis of external-beam radiation as bridging therapy finds fewer than 4% of patients prescribed this non-invasive option. People with liver cancer awaiting transplantation could benefit from… read more.

Study identifies a major role for immune cells called natural killer cells in organ rejection

Written by | 1 Aug 2021

Immune cells called natural killer cells contribute to organ rejection after transplantation because they miss “self” proteins on donor cells, according to a study appearing in an upcoming… read more.

Incyte announces positive phase III REACH3 study data published in NEJM for ruxolitinib in chronic graft-versus-host disease

Written by | 22 Jul 2021

Incyte announced that positive data from the Phase III REACH3 study have been published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) demonstrating that treatment with ruxolitinib (Jakafi)… read more.

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