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Immunotherapy vs chemotherapy for lung cancer: 5-year survival

Written by | 1 Feb 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark IMI interviewed Dr Erin Schenk, Assistant Professor, Thoracic Oncology, University of Colorado to find out about key trial results in lung cancer… read more.

Targeted capmatinib shows efficacy for treating lung cancer with certain mutations

Written by | 19 Nov 2020

Article written by Bruce Sylvester Researchers report that capmatinib, a targeted therapy, appears to provide clinical benefit to patients who have advanced lung cancer with specific gene mutations.

Lung cancer or covid-19? Messages for primary care

Written by | 18 Sep 2020

Interview and article by Christine Clark The key message for primary care is about using the guidance document, Differentiation of the Cs to enable health care professionals to… read more.

Early diagnosis of lung cancer in the time of covid-19

Written by | 16 Sep 2020

Interview and article by Christine Clark The lung cancer service has been very seriously affected by the coronavirus pandemic, in particular, lung cancer referrals have fallen sharply during… read more.

E-cigarettes increase risk of chronic lung disease

Written by | 20 Jul 2020

Article written by Peter Mas-Mollinedo E-cigarette use significantly increases a person’s risk of developing chronic lung diseases..

Role for ESMO: Access to IO for all?

Written by | 8 Jan 2020

Late breaking abstracts – Checkmate 227 study

Written by | 26 Nov 2019

The final analyses of Checkmate 227, part 1 should help to position nivolumab + ipilimumab combination treatment .. Written by Christine Clark

SCLC: is it time for novel therapies?

Written by | 22 Nov 2019

The search for effective therapeutic targets in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) continues and a number of options have been identified.  In the meantime the results of CASPIAN… read more.

Oligorecurrent and oligoprogressive NSCLC

Written by | 22 Nov 2019

Oligorecurrent and oligoprogressive NSCLC represent a treatment challenge. A case example of synchronous oligometastatic disease provided the framework for expert discussion……..    Written by Christine Clark.

Immunotherapy in thoracic malignancies: what has been achieved in 2019?

Written by | 22 Nov 2019

Advances in the use of immunotherapy in thoracic malignancies continued in 2019 with the publication of the results of a number of landmark trials. This has prompted some… read more.

Expert insights in advanced ALK-positive NSCLC

Written by | 22 Nov 2019

Three expert clinicians, Dr Marina Garassino, Dr Sanjay Popat and Professor Tony Mok presented and discussed cases that illustrated important aspects of the management of ALK-positive NSCLC …… … read more.

Late breaking abstracts – FLAURA study

Written by | 22 Nov 2019

The final analyses of two key trials – Checkmate 227, part 1 and FLAURA should help to position nivolumab + ipilimumab combination treatment and to reinforce osimertinib as… read more.

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