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Human papilloma virus (HPV) and cervical cancer

Written by | 10 Mar 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark Cervical cancer accounts for about 850 cancer deaths in the UK every year – more than two every day – and yet… read more.

Drug treatment for the systemic inflammatory response in covid-19

Written by | 3 Mar 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark Dr Mark Tomlin, consultant critical care pharmacist, describes how recent trial findings have identified effective treatments for the systemic inflammatory response syndrome… read more.

Understanding the systemic inflammatory response in covid-19

Written by | 2 Mar 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark Although SARS-CoV-2 causes a mild illness in many people, some experience severe illness characterised by a systemic inflammatory response that can lead… read more.

Putting the SHAPES pilot project into action

Written by | 23 Feb 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark Dr Maureen Spargo and Dr Nicola Goodfellow describe how SHAPES, a pan-European digital healthcare project is being put into action in Northern… read more.

The impact of covid-19 on lung cancer care

Written by | 4 Feb 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark. Delayed diagnoses and more patients with advanced cancers were consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Dr Erin Schenk, Assistant Professor, Thoracic… read more.

The changing treatment landscape in lung cancer

Written by | 3 Feb 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark. Modern lung cancer treatment has changed the outlook for lung cancer patients considerably and interesting trial results are expected this year, according… read more.

Improved disease-free survival with osimertinib in EGFR+ lung cancer

Written by | 2 Feb 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark. Dr Erin Schenk, Assistant Professor, Thoracic Oncology, University of Colorado describes the results of the ADAURA trial and the implications for her… read more.

Immunotherapy vs chemotherapy for lung cancer: 5-year survival

Written by | 1 Feb 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark IMI interviewed Dr Erin Schenk, Assistant Professor, Thoracic Oncology, University of Colorado to find out about key trial results in lung cancer… read more.

Ivermectin meta-analysis – the implications

Written by | 27 Jan 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark Dr Tess Lawrie, Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, describes the implications of her recently-published meta-analysis of ivermectin trials for covid-19…. read more.

Ivermectin meta-analysis – the findings

Written by | 26 Jan 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark. Dr Tess Lawrie, Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, describes the key findings from her recently-published meta-analysis of ivermectin trials for… read more.

Comorbidities and RA – study methodology

Written by | 9 Jan 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark A recent Canadian study examining comorbidities before and after the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) used distance matrices to match RA cases… read more.

Comorbidities and RA – study findings

Written by | 7 Jan 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark A recent Canadian study examining comorbidities before and after the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) produced a number of interesting findings, Dr… read more.

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