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Poster Session at ECC 2013 – Circulating tumour cell counts in advanced and metastatic colorectal cancer by immunomagnetic labelling: Results reflect the reality?

Written by | 2 Dec 2013

Solange M Sanches et al, AC Camargo Cancer Center, São Paulo, Brazil.

Poster Session at ECCO 2013 – Aspirin unmasks tumour cells

Written by | 28 Nov 2013

Oral discussion of abstract by Professor Naredi, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden.   Researchers believe they have discovered how aspirin improves survival in patients diagnosed with colon cancer. 

ESMO WCGC 2013 Report – Moving beyond KRAS: What about the future?

Written by | 16 Sep 2013

A review of the presentation by Sabine Tejpar.  The KRAS (codon 12,13) is a validated predictive biomarker in mCRC, it is essential to determine diagnosis and required prior… read more.

ESMO WCGC 2013 Report – Hot topics in Colon Cancer

Written by | 12 Sep 2013

by Pam Harrison – MSI status has clear prognostic value in stage II CRC Julien Taieb, MD, PhD, University of Paris Descartes, Paris, France Microsatellite instability (MSI), a… read more.

We each live in our own little smell world

Written by | 14 Aug 2013

There are some smells we all find revolting. But toward a handful of odors, different people display different sensitivities—some can smell them, while some can’t, or some find… read more.

Be happy: Your genes may thank you for it

Written by | 12 Aug 2013

But different types of happiness have different effects, UCLA study shows.  A good state of mind — that is, your happiness — affects your genes, scientists say. In… read more.

Mum’s worries linked to kid’s asthma

Written by | 3 Jul 2013

Adolescents with asthma reported worse symptoms of breathlessness when they had anxious mothers, and the link may have more to do with genes than environment, researchers suggested.

Genome study suggests new strategies for understanding and treating pulmonary fibrosis

Written by | 3 Jul 2013

A new genome-wide association study of more than 6,000 people has identified seven new genetic regions associated with pulmonary fibrosis.

ASCO 2013 – Cancer services in the United Kingdom: Improving nicely

Written by | 25 Jun 2013

by Elizabeth C. Smyth, MB, BCh, MSc, and David Cunningham, MD, FRCP, FMedSci – In 2000, in order to optimise service provision for patients with cancer, 34 “Cancer… read more.

Night shift could age you

Written by | 21 Jun 2013

Human sleeping and waking patterns are largely governed by an internal circadian clock that corresponds closely with the 24-hour cycle of light and darkness. This circadian clock also… read more.

Erasmus virus treated by altering lung cells

Written by | 24 May 2013

Erasmus virus resets cells’ genes and causes breathing distress and kidney failure.  A new virus that causes severe breathing distress and kidney failure elicits a distinctive airway cell… read more.

Guidelines on EIB

Written by | 23 May 2013

The American Thoracic Society has released new official clinical practice guidelines on the diagnosis and management of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), the acute airway narrowing that occurs as a… read more.

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