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Incyte announces positive phase III REACH3 study data published in NEJM for ruxolitinib in chronic graft-versus-host disease

Written by | 22 Jul 2021

Incyte announced that positive data from the Phase III REACH3 study have been published in The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) demonstrating that treatment with ruxolitinib (Jakafi)… read more.

Hansa Biopharma announces long term follow-up data demonstrating 3-year graft survival of 84% after imlifidase treatment and transplantation

Written by | 13 Jul 2021

Hansa Biopharma, announced three-year follow-up data in crossmatch positive patients who received imlifidase prior to kidney transplantation. As reported in an article, which has been accepted for publication… read more.

Transplantation, Consolidation and Maintenance

Written by | 8 May 2019

  Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) remains the standard of care option for those patients with newly-diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) who are eligible for and able to tolerate… read more.

EHA 2018: Preferred treatment combinations and sequencing in transplant eligible and elderly MM patients

Written by | 24 Jun 2018

The growing number of novel treatments for multiple myeloma (MM) means that more patients can achieve the therapeutic goal of a deep and prolonged first remission – in… read more.

ICML 2017: The role of stem cell transplantation for lymphoma in 2017

Written by | 11 Jul 2017

By Maria Dalby (article) and Esther Drain (interviews) Even in an era of rapid progress in terms of new agents and treatment approaches, stem cell transplantation (SCT) continues… read more.

BSH 2017: Plenary debate: Allogeneic transplantation should be considered for selected young patients

Written by | 14 Apr 2017

Even in the era of novel therapies for newly-diagnosed and relapsed/refractory MM, there is a group of patients for whom the myeloma biology significantly shortens life expectancy. Allogeneic… read more.

EHA 2016: Professor Kwee Yong (London) and Dr Mark Cook (Birmingham) share EHA highlights that will affect practice in the UK, including excitement around daratumumab and where research in the molecular stratification of disease is guiding practice. Professor Sagar Lonial (Atlanta) shares his highlights of EHA and ASCO, including data confirming the benefit of maintenance therapy and of transplant, and Professor Roman Hajek (Ostrava) gives a reality check on what the new data means for patients and haematolgists.

Written by | 14 Jul 2016

ILTS 2016: Hepatocellular Carcinoma: To resect or transplant first? Professor Rene Adam (Paul Brousse Hospital, France) gives the key messages from the debate.

Written by | 15 Jun 2016

ILTS 2016: Risk of living donor transplants can be mitigated: Dr Leslie Lilly (Transplant Hepatologist, UHN Toronto General Hospital, ON, Canada). Also included associated article.

Written by | 13 Jun 2016

Risk of living donor transplants can be mitigated by Thomas R. Collins Making living donor transplants less risky through new and innovative approaches is the best way to… read more.

ILTS 2016: Professor John O’Grady (Kings College Hospital, London) and Professor Sung-Gyu Lee (Ulsan University Medical School, Seoul, Korea) discuss their key messages in LDLT for the UK transplant community. Also included associated article entitled 'Done correctly, living donation success is possible'

Written by | 10 Jun 2016

Done correctly, living donation success is possible by Thomas R. Collins Life expectancy and quality of life measures tend to be quite high among live liver donors, generally… read more.

ILTS 2016: Professor John O’Grady (Kings College Hospital, London) and Professor Sung-Gyu Lee (Ulsan University Medical School, Seoul, Korea) discuss their key messages in LDLT for the UK transplant community. Also included associated article entitled ‘Done correctly, living donation success is possible’

Written by | 10 Jun 2016

Done correctly, living donation success is possible by Thomas R. Collins Life expectancy and quality of life measures tend to be quite high among live liver donors, generally… read more.

ILTS 2016 Highlights: ILTS President, Professor Jan Lerut (University Hospital St Luc, Brussels, Belgium), Professor Sung-Gyu Lee (Ulsan University Medical School, Seoul, Korea), Professor John Lake (University of Minnesota, MN, USA), Professor John O’Grady (Kings College Hospital, London) and Dr Leslie Lilly (Transplant Hepatologist, UHN Toronto General Hospital, ON, Canada) give their highlights from this year’s ILTS in Seoul.

Written by | 9 Jun 2016

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