Defective sperm doubles the risk of preeclampsia
For the first time, researchers have linked specific frequent defects in sperm to elevated risk of pregnancy complications and negative impacts on the health of the baby. A… read more.
For the first time, researchers have linked specific frequent defects in sperm to elevated risk of pregnancy complications and negative impacts on the health of the baby. A… read more.
A world-first study has found low-dose aspirin may treat flu-induced blood vessel inflammation, creating better blood flow to the placenta during pregnancy. Animal studies examined whether the treatment… read more.
A new screening algorithm for preeclampsia combining maternal history, ultrasound data and several tests for blood markers may better predict the majority of preeclampsia cases in the first… read more.
Pregnant women with severe preeclampsia taking a daily dose of blood pressure lowering nifedipine as labor is induced have achieved better blood pressure control during labor and were… read more.