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Opioid use increases without improvements in treatment of pain

Written by | 25 Sep 2013

by Bruce Sylvester – Researchers report that, after a decade when prescription opioid use has grown dramatically, identification and treatment of pain has not improved, and, notably, the… read more.

Diet counteracts genetic stroke risk

Written by | 10 Sep 2013

World Health Matters by Gary Finnegan – Spain – A gene variant strongly associated with the development of type 2 diabetes appears to interact with a Mediterranean diet… read more.

Prolactin reduces arthritis inflammation

Written by | 15 Aug 2013

Inflammatory joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis are the result of cartilage damage and loss. Chondrocytes are the only cells that are found in cartilage and their death… read more.

DHA: Potential safe and cheap therapy for chronic pain

Written by | 6 Aug 2013

by Bruce Sylvester – Newly published research suggests that a derivative of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), found in over-the-counter fish oil supplements, might be used to effectively treat and… read more.

ESMO 2013 WCGC – Recommendations for the management of Pancreatic NET

Written by | 19 Jul 2013

A review of the presentation by Jaume Capdevila, Barcelona Spain.  Unfortunately Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) are often advanced at the time of diagnosis and the 5 year survival ranges… read more.

High-dose painkillers appear to increase cardio risks, which can be predicted

Written by | 9 Jul 2013

Taken from the Lancet – by Bruce Sylvester – High doses of some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) increase the risk of major vascular events (non-fatal heart attacks, strokes,… read more.

Three pain questions we should all ask

Written by | 1 Jul 2013

Asking three simple questions of patients with non-inflammatory musculoskeletal pain improved primary care physicians’ ability to predict which patients would still be in pain 6 months later, a… read more.

Spine injections may set stage for fractures

Written by | 28 Jun 2013

Spinal injections of steroids, intended to relieve back pain, increased bone fragility in the vertebrae of older patients, a retrospective analysis found.

Pain from heart surgery disrupts sleep long-term

Written by | 28 Jun 2013

Heart surgery patients reported persistent pain for at least 4 weeks after the procedure, and that pain appeared to manifest as shortened total sleep time, researchers reported.

Men with chronic pain

Written by | 27 Jun 2013

Men with chronic pain and opioid-induced androgen deficiency may find some pain relief with testosterone replacement therapy, a small trial suggested.

Stroke: Alteplase improves quality of life

Written by | 24 Jun 2013

Could cut costs of aftercare – The latest results from the third International Stroke Trial (IST-3) suggest that the drug has the potential to cut costs by reducing… read more.

ASCO 2013 – The evolution of fellowship training: Concurrent oncology and palliative care

Written by | 24 Jun 2013

by Jamie Von Roenn, MD, and Charles von Gunten, MD, PhD – The call to integrate palliative care practices and principles into comprehensive cancer care, not as something… read more.

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