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Severe mental illness linked to low attendance at cancer screening

Written by | 5 May 2023

People with severe mental illness are less likely to attend cancer screening compared to those who do not have such conditions, according to new research from the University… read more.

Medicinal cannabis can safely relieve cancer pain and curb total meds and opioid use

Written by | 4 May 2023

Medicinal cannabis can safely relieve cancer pain, while curbing the total number of meds and opioids taken, suggest the results of a multicentre registry study, published online in BMJ… read more.

A new method to test cancer drug toxicity

Written by | 3 May 2023

For people with cancer, chemotherapy saves lives, but for some patients, the treatment comes with a side effect—heart damage. Screening cancer drugs for cardiotoxicity has been an ongoing… read more.

Cannabis knocks down pain, improves sleep and lifts brain fog in cancer patients

Written by | 2 May 2023

Cancer patients who use cannabis to address their symptoms have less pain and sleep better, according to new University of Colorado Boulder research. But they also experience another,… read more.

Study shows promising results for immunotherapy targeting skin cancer

Written by | 28 Apr 2023

A new class of immunotherapy shows promising results for fighting the most aggressive form of skin cancer. The study, published today in Nature Communications by researchers from King’s College London… read more.

Survival rates similar with different treatments of localized prostate cancer

Written by | 21 Apr 2023

Patients who chose active monitoring of their localized prostate cancer have achieved the same high survival rates as those who chose radiotherapy or surgery. Researchers reported these findings… read more.

Female healthworkers need better radiation protection to minimise breast cancer risk

Written by | 20 Apr 2023

Women working in healthcare who are regularly exposed to radiation from x-rays and other imaging procedures need better ionising radiation protection to help minimise their risk of developing breast cancer,… read more.

Gut bacteria play role in CAR-T cancer therapy

Written by | 16 Apr 2023

CAR-T cell therapy has been shown to be highly effective in treating some cancers. However, responses to this relatively new form of immunotherapy can vary, making it difficult… read more.

Study finds “important shortcomings” in official cancer drug information

Written by | 10 Apr 2023

Important information about cancer drug benefits, and related uncertainties, is frequently omitted from official prescription drug information sources for clinicians and patients in Europe, finds an analysis published… read more.

Lighting up tumours could help surgeons remove them more precisely

Written by | 22 Mar 2023

A new technique that combines highly detailed, real-time images of inside the body with a type of infrared light has, for the first time, been used during surgery… read more.

Study: More paid sick leave results in more cancer screenings

Written by | 5 Mar 2023

For most Americans, the two major obstacles to proper medical care are time and money. And while insurance can sometimes reduce healthcare costs, having time to visit the… read more.

More proof that too many medications leads to adversity for older cancer patients

Written by | 2 Mar 2023

When older adults with cancer take multiple medications — including ordinary drugs like blood pressure pills, supplements, or antacids — it can result in more toxic chemotherapy side… read more.

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