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High blood pressure linked to reduced Alzheimer’s risk, meds may be reason

Written by | 14 Jul 2015

A new study suggests that people with a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure have a lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

High blood pressure linked to reduced Alzheimer's risk, meds may be reason

Written by | 14 Jul 2015

A new study suggests that people with a genetic predisposition to high blood pressure have a lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

World Heath Matters: Denmark: Weight loss without bone loss?

Written by | 30 Jun 2015

by Gary Finnegan: Rapid weight loss can lead to a loss of bone mass and an increased risk of bone fractures. A study by University of Copenhagen, Hvidovre… read more.

Strong statin-diabetes link appears in study

Written by | 28 May 2015

by Bruce Sylvester: A retrospective study of US military health system (Tricare) beneficiary medical records suggests that subjects using statin drugs to control cholesterol are at an increased… read more.

From soda bans to bike lanes: Which ‘natural experiments’ really reduce obesity?

Written by | 7 Apr 2015

Banning sodas from school vending machines, building walking paths and playgrounds, adding supermarkets to food deserts and requiring nutritional labels on restaurant menus: Such changes to the environments… read more.

Patients with active asthma at higher risk for heart attack

Written by | 13 Mar 2015

Patients with active asthma — such as any use of asthma medications, and unscheduled office or emergency visits for asthma — are at a twofold risk of having… read more.

New study helps explain links between sleep loss and diabetes

Written by | 27 Feb 2015

Lack of sleep can elevate levels of free fatty acids in the blood, accompanied by temporary pre-diabetic conditions in healthy young men, according to new research published.

Slow progress in tackling global obesity rates.

Written by | 20 Feb 2015

Global progress towards tackling obesity has been “unacceptably slow”, with only one in four countries implementing a policy on healthy eating up to 2010, according to a major… read more.

Insulin dosage for type 2 diabetes linked with increased death risk

Written by | 5 Jan 2015

In a report published today in the journal of Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, researchers from Cardiff University were also able to show a correlation between patients treated with a… read more.

Fat boys make less money when they grow up

Written by | 18 Dec 2014

World Health Matters – Sweden – by Gary Finnegan: Men who are obese as teenagers could grow up to earn up to 18% less than their peers of… read more.

Bariatric surgery appears to significantly lower the risk of type 2 diabetes

Written by | 28 Nov 2014

by Bruce Sylvester: Compared with standard care, bariatric surgery appears to lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by about 80% among obese persons, researchers reported on… read more.

Female baby boomers with asthma may need help

Written by | 28 Oct 2014

Asthma takes a backseat to other conditions with older women.  Women over the age of 65 face numerous barriers to good health: an increased risk for obesity, greater… read more.

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