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ACC 2014 Report: Marriage linked to lower heart risks

Written by | 24 Apr 2014

Heart problems less likely for spouses than for single, divorced and widowed people.  People who are married have lower rates of several cardiovascular diseases compared with those who… read more.

ACC 2014 Report: Gastric surgery halves risk of heart attack in obese people

Written by | 24 Apr 2014

Obese people who have stomach surgery to help them lose weight will halve their risk of heart attack according to new research from a team of doctors at… read more.

BTS 2014 Report: British Association for the Study of the Liver (BASL) Forum: Donor optimisation

Written by | 17 Apr 2014

Maria Dalby reporting on the Oral Presentation by Peter Friend, Oxford Transplant Centre, University of Oxford et al.  Peter Friend, Oxford Transplant Centre, University of Oxford / Chris… read more.

NSAIDs don’t increase miscarriage risk

Written by | 10 Apr 2014

by Bruce Sylvester – Pregnant women who take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not increase their risk of miscarriages, researchers report in a study published on Feb. 3, 2014… read more.

Shorter sleepers are over-eaters

Written by | 4 Apr 2014

Children who sleep less found to eat more.  Young children who sleep less eat more, which can lead to obesity and related health problems later in life, reports… read more.

Prescribe sleep to prevent and treat diabetes

Written by | 2 Apr 2014

Evidence increasingly suggests that insufficient or disturbed sleep is associated with metabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes and obesity, and addressing poor quality sleep should be a… read more.

Obese children more susceptible to asthma from air pollution

Written by | 7 Mar 2014

Kids with high BMIs exposed to high levels of air pollutants had nearly triple asthma risk.   Obese children exposed to high levels of air pollutants were nearly three… read more.

Yogurt probiotics could help women lose weight

Written by | 10 Feb 2014

Certain probiotics could help women lose weight and keep it off, according to a recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition by a team of researchers headed by… read more.

Soccer fans get FFITer and lose weight

Written by | 5 Feb 2014

The Football Fans in Training programme (FFIT) has run for three seasons at Scottish Professional Football League (SPFL) clubs. The research, led by a team at the University… read more.

Chocolate could guard against diabetes!

Written by | 22 Jan 2014

Eating high levels of flavonoids including anthocyanins and other compounds (found in berries, tea, and chocolate) could offer protection from type 2 diabetes – according to research from… read more.

Diabetes ups risk and mortality of breast and colon cancer

Written by | 5 Dec 2013

by Bruce Sylvester – Diabetic patients have an increased risk of developing breast and colon cancer and an increased risk of death from these cancers, researchers reported on… read more.

Psoriasis patients should be screened for CVD

Written by | 8 Nov 2013

World Psoriasis Day is 29 October 2013.  World Psoriasis Day is held today with the theme “Global access to treatment” to highlight the fact that more than 125… read more.

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