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ESOT 2013 Report – Pushing the limit in clinical science

Written by | 21 Oct 2013

by Peter Friend, Oxford, UK – The 16th ESOT Congress in Vienna 2013 was one of ESOT’s most comprehensive arrangements to date, with more than 3,500 attendees and… read more.

ESOT 2013 Report – Academic, industrial and regulatory barriers to progress in transplant immunosuppression

Written by | 21 Oct 2013

Randall Morris, San Francisco, USA – Failure to make therapeutic progress is a real challenge in the transplantation field. On the face of it, the goals set up… read more.

ESOT 2013 Report – Joint Session ESOT & IPTA: Tackling the transition

Written by | 18 Oct 2013

Richard Trompeter, London, UK; Jo Wray, London, UK; Lorraine Bell, Montreal, Canada – The transition from paediatric to adult transplantation services is a major challenge for adolescent transplant… read more.

ESOT 2013 Report – Joint Session ESOT & IPTA: Tackling the transition

Written by | 18 Oct 2013

Richard Trompeter, London, UK; Jo Wray, London, UK; Lorraine Bell, Montreal, Canada – The transition from paediatric to adult transplantation services is a major challenge for adolescent transplant… read more.

ESOT 2013 Report – Fantastic transplantations or transplantation fantasies? The new frontiers of abdominal organ transplantation

Written by | 18 Oct 2013

Andreas Tzakis , Weston, USA  – Advances in vascular reconstruction techniques in recent years has transformed the concept of multi-visceral or cluster transplantations from the very forefront of… read more.

ESOT 2013 Report – Who needs tolerance in the age of immunosuppression minimization?

Written by | 17 Oct 2013

Reducing or eliminating the need for chronic immunosuppressive therapy by inducing tolerance in the recipient immune system would have an astounding impact on clinical practice and scientists all… read more.

ESOT 2013 Report – Today’s patients, tomorrow’s outcomes: how can we manage risk factors to improve graft survival in renal transplantation?

Written by | 17 Oct 2013

by Maria Dalby – Kidney transplants could in principle last forever – the common assumption that kidney transplants inevitably deteriorate and fail is not supported by the latest… read more.

ESOT 2013 Report – DSA in 2013: What is it? How do we prevent it? How do we manage it?

Written by | 16 Oct 2013

by Maria Dalby – Donor-specific anti-human leukocyte antigen (HLA) antibodies, or DSAs, have emerged in recent years as one of the most important factors for predicting the outcome… read more.

Facebook boosts organ donor registration

Written by | 23 Aug 2013

Johns Hopkins researchers see 21-fold increase in a single day.  A social media push boosted the number of people who registered themselves as organ donors 21-fold in a… read more.

Urine test predicts kidney transplant rejection

Written by | 11 Jul 2013

Taken from the NEJM – by Bruce Sylvester – Three biomarkers in the urine of kidney transplant recipients can be used to diagnose and predict transplant rejection, researchers… read more.

ASCO 2013 Report – Lambrolizumab immunotherapy shows efficacy in advanced melanoma

Written by | 10 Jun 2013

Researchers report that investigative lambrolizumab has shown promising results, in advanced melanoma, with manageable side effects.

ASCO 2013 Report – Sorafenib shows efficacy in advanced differentiated thyroid cancer

Written by | 10 Jun 2013

by Bruce Sylvester – over 30,000 clinicians and researchers attended the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2013 annual meeting in Chicago on May 31-June 4. Among the most… read more.

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