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Heart attack women less healthy than men

Written by | 17 May 2013

Young women tend to be less healthy and have a poorer quality of life than similar-aged men before suffering a heart attack, according to research.

Chronic pain common complication of stroke

Written by | 17 Apr 2013

Chronic or persistent pain is a common — and likely under-recognised — complication of ischemic strokes (caused by a blocked blood vessel) according to new research in the… read more.

Propofol abuse by health care professionals

Written by | 3 Apr 2013

Abuse of common anesthetic has ‘rapid downhill course’, reports Journal of Addiction Medicine.  Abuse of the anaesthesia drug propofol is a “rapidly progressive form of substance dependence” that… read more.

Quit smoking to diminish back pain

Written by | 28 Mar 2013

Smoking is a known risk factor for back pain and disc disease. In a new study presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic… read more.

Treat Gamblers at early age

Written by | 15 Mar 2013

Study says early intervention is key to successful treatment of gambling.  To successfully treat pathological gambling, you need to intervene at an early stage, according to Susana Jiménez-Murcia… read more.

Researchers link smaller pack sizes and major reduction paracetamol-related deaths

Written by | 14 Mar 2013

Taken from the British Medical Journal (BMJ) – by Bruce Sylvester – Deaths and liver transplants related to paracetamol overdoses have decreased significantly due to UK legislation which… read more.

Insomnia link to increased risk of HF

Written by | 8 Mar 2013

People who suffer from insomnia appear to have an increased risk of developing heart failure, according to the largest study to investigate the link.  The study followed 54,279… read more.

Forward by the President of the Irish Pain Society Dr Ray Victory

Written by | 7 Mar 2013

Chronic pain, pain that persists longer than three months, is a very prevalent problem and it has very predictable effects on patient’s lives. Recent studies have demonstrated that   … read more.

ADHD takes toll well into adulthood

Written by | 5 Mar 2013

The first large, population-based study to follow children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) into adulthood shows that ADHD often doesn’t “go away,” and that children with ADHD are… read more.

Early missed meals can lead to depression

Written by | 28 Feb 2013

Research finds pathways from early-life circumstances to issues later in life.  It’s common knowledge that a child who misses a meal can’t concentrate in school. But what happens… read more.

Bullying link to psychiatric health

Written by | 21 Feb 2013

A new study shows that children who are exposed to bullying during childhood are at increased risk of psychiatric disorders in adulthood, regardless of whether they are victims… read more.

Are antidepressants overused?

Written by | 21 Feb 2013

Antidepressant prescriptions in the UK have increased by 9.6% in 2011, to 46 million prescriptions. Does this reflect over medicalisation or appropriate treatment? Glasgow GP, Dr Des Spence,… read more.

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