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DDW 2018: Quality of life for IBD patients

Written by | 2 Oct 2018

Inflammatory bowel disease can have a detrimental impact of health-related quality of life, and reducing the physical and psychological disease burden is an important therapeutic target. Patient-reported outcomes… read more.

DDW 2018: Choice in patient management

Written by | 2 Oct 2018

IBD specialists have more treatment options than ever before; yet the optimal use of many agents, old as well as new, remains to be defined. A plenary session… read more.

Denmark: 1 in 4 people leave work a year after a heart attack

Written by | 11 May 2018

One in four people leave their job within a year of returning to work after having a heart attack, according to a study from Denmark in the Journal… read more.

BSH 2017: Cancer-related chronic fatique – internet and digital technology solutions

Written by | 14 Apr 2017

Chronic, cancer-related fatigue (CRF) is associated with a sudden- onset, profound lack of energy that is not relieved by rest. It is different from the fatigue experienced by… read more.

Is ‘online therapy’ making patients worse?

Written by | 13 Mar 2017

Scientists in Sweden are studying whether web-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is ineffective in some people, potentially making patients worse. The psychologist behind the research say that while… read more.

Duloxetine shows efficacy for pain associated with breast cancer treatment

Written by | 19 Dec 2016

By Bruce Sylvester Duloxetine (Cymbalta ®), a widely-used treatment for depression and anxiety, appears to reduce joint pain in postmenopausal women being treated for early stage breast cancer,… read more.

Less painkilling medication with breast-cancer surgery after opiate-free anesthesia

Written by | 12 Aug 2016

New research presented at Euroanaesthesia 2016 (London 27-30 May) shows that patients undergoing breast cancer surgery need less painkilling medication post-surgery if they have anaesthesia that is free… read more.

Link between back pain and depression

Written by | 10 Aug 2016

Genetic factors help to explain the commonly found association between low back pain and depression, suggests a large study of twins in the March issue of PAIN®.

EHA 2016: Managing multiple myeloma in elderly/frail patients. Professor Antonio Palumbo (University of Torino, Italy) discusses the impact of age on outcomes (abstract E1295) and Professor Roman Hajek (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic) talks about preferred therapeutic strategies for elderly MM patients.

Written by | 20 Jul 2016

Managing multiple myeloma in elderly/frail patients   Although multiple myeloma is a disease of old age, elderly patients vary a great deal in terms of fitness and ability… read more.

Ketamine cuts suicidal thinking in depression

Written by | 8 Jul 2016

by Bruce Sylvester: Ketamine reduced suicidal thoughts in a small group of patients with treatment-resistant depression, researchers reported on May 10, 2016 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

ILTS 2016: Professor John O’Grady (Kings College Hospital, London) and Professor Sung-Gyu Lee (Ulsan University Medical School, Seoul, Korea) discuss their key messages in LDLT for the UK transplant community. Also included associated article entitled ‘Done correctly, living donation success is possible’

Written by | 10 Jun 2016

Done correctly, living donation success is possible by Thomas R. Collins Life expectancy and quality of life measures tend to be quite high among live liver donors, generally… read more.

ILTS 2016: Professor John O’Grady (Kings College Hospital, London) and Professor Sung-Gyu Lee (Ulsan University Medical School, Seoul, Korea) discuss their key messages in LDLT for the UK transplant community. Also included associated article entitled 'Done correctly, living donation success is possible'

Written by | 10 Jun 2016

Done correctly, living donation success is possible by Thomas R. Collins Life expectancy and quality of life measures tend to be quite high among live liver donors, generally… read more.

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