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Wear and tear in vulnerable brain areas lead to lesions linked to cognitive decline

Written by | 30 Dec 2021

As our brains age, small lesions begin to pop up in the bundles of white matter that carry messages between our neurons. The lesions can damage this white… read more.

Identifying rare disease-associated genetic variants in patients with severe schizophrenia

Written by | 28 Dec 2021

New research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that examining genetic mutations in individuals with severe schizophrenia can improve the ability to detect disease-associated rare… read more.

Supermeres’ may carry clues to cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and COVID-19

Written by | 24 Dec 2021

Researchers at Vanderbilt University Medical Center have discovered a nanoparticle released from cells, called a “supermere,” which contains enzymes, proteins and RNA associated with multiple cancers, cardiovascular disease,… read more.

Marine omega-3 supplementation fails to prevent depression

Written by | 23 Dec 2021

The use of marine omega-3 supplements by adults does not appear to prevent the onset of depression, researchers reported on Dec. 21, 2021 in JAMA/Journal of the American… read more.

Psychotherapy declined by half since 1990s in US

Written by | 15 Dec 2021

For decades, psychiatrists routinely used both psychotherapy (talk therapy) and medication to treat patients. This is hardly the case anymore, according to a new study out of Columbia… read more.

Scientists discover potential cause of Alzheimer’s Disease

Written by | 7 Dec 2021

Existing drugs may offer effective treatment. Prevailing theories posit plaques in the brain cause Alzheimer’s disease. New UC Riverside research points to cells’ slowing ability to clean themselves… read more.

A co-worker’s rudeness can affect your sleep – and your partner’s

Written by | 26 Nov 2021

Rudeness. Sarcastic comments. Demeaning language. Interrupting or talking over someone in a meeting. Workplace incivilities such as these are becoming increasingly common, and a new study from Portland… read more.

The mother of all cannabinoids’: Anti-seizure compounds discovered in cannabis

Written by | 26 Nov 2021

Research from pharmacologists at the University of Sydney provides new insights into how cannabis extracts may work to treat epilepsy. The study for the first time reports that… read more.

Natural compound in basil may protect against Alzheimer’s disease pathology

Written by | 24 Nov 2021

Fenchol, a natural compound abundant in some plants including basil, can help protect the brain against Alzheimer’s disease pathology, a preclinical study led by University of South Florida… read more.

Insomnia may be a risk factor for highly fatal brain aneurysm rupture

Written by | 8 Nov 2021

Insomnia may be a potential risk factor for a brain bleed from a ruptured aneurysm along with more well known risk factors of smoking and high blood pressure,… read more.

Leaking calcium in neurons an early sign of Alzheimer’s pathology

Written by | 7 Nov 2021

Alzheimer’s disease is known for its slow attack on neurons crucial to memory and cognition. But why are these particular neurons in aging brains so susceptible to the… read more.

Lithium imaging method could shine new light on bipolar disorder, treatment

Written by | 5 Nov 2021

Since 1949, lithium has been a mainstay for treating bipolar disorder (BD), a mental health condition marked by extreme mood swings. But scientists still don’t have a clear… read more.

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