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Key Highlights from the ESC Congress 2013

Written by | 24 Sep 2013

Some of the most important studies presented at ESC Congress 2013, included : HOKUSAI-VTE: The oral anticoagulant edoxaban for the treatment of venous thromboembolism (VTE) resulted in equal… read more.

ESMO WCGC 2013 Report – Moving beyond KRAS: What about the future?

Written by | 16 Sep 2013

A review of the presentation by Sabine Tejpar.  The KRAS (codon 12,13) is a validated predictive biomarker in mCRC, it is essential to determine diagnosis and required prior… read more.

ESMO WCGC 2013 Report – What is the most active first line treatment for patients with mCRC?

Written by | 13 Sep 2013

A review of the presentation by Volker Heinemann (pictured).  The decision on first line treatment in mCRC matters because the number of patients benefitting from therapy diminishes with… read more.

ESMO WCGC 2013 Report – Hot topics in Colon Cancer

Written by | 12 Sep 2013

by Pam Harrison – MSI status has clear prognostic value in stage II CRC Julien Taieb, MD, PhD, University of Paris Descartes, Paris, France Microsatellite instability (MSI), a… read more.

Haloperidol does not reduce delirium in critically ill patients

Written by | 30 Aug 2013

FDA Highlights by Bruce Sylvester – Treatment with the antipsycotic drug haloperidol does not reduce symptoms of delirium in critically ill patients, UK researchers report.

Mandating psychiatry outpatient treatment has impact

Written by | 9 Aug 2013

Mandating outpatient treatment for certain people with severe mental illness, while controversial, results in substantial cost savings by cutting hospitalizations and increasing outpatient care, according to a financial… read more.

Marijuana associated with stroke risk

Written by | 2 Aug 2013

Marijuana, the most widely used illicit drug, may double stroke risk in young adults, according to research presented at the American Stroke Association’s International Stroke Conference 2013.

Test to predict death risk from C. difficile

Written by | 1 Aug 2013

Accurate, robust and simple method of identification has potential benefits to patients, hospitals and health services around the world.

Treating stroke more quickly lowers risk of in-hospital death, hastens discharge

Written by | 12 Jul 2013

Taken from JAMA – by Bruce Sylvester – After analyzing data on nearly 60,000 patients with acute ischemic stroke, researchers report that thrombolytic treatment initiated sooner correlates to… read more.

Action needed to help tobacco users quit

Written by | 2 Jul 2013

More than half of the countries who signed the WHO 2005 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control have not formed plans to help tobacco users quit.

Spine injections may set stage for fractures

Written by | 28 Jun 2013

Spinal injections of steroids, intended to relieve back pain, increased bone fragility in the vertebrae of older patients, a retrospective analysis found.

Less hypoglycaemia with sitagliptin compared to sulfonylurea

Written by | 26 Jun 2013

Researchers announced results from a post-hoc pooled analysis showing patients with type 2 diabetes and mild renal impairment treated with JANUVIA® (sitagliptin) 100 mg once-daily achieved similar blood… read more.

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