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Recreational drugs detected in more than 1 in 10 cardiac intensive care patients

Written by | 22 Aug 2023

Recreational drug use may be a factor in a significant proportion of admissions to cardiac intensive care, with various substances detected in 1 in 10 such patients, suggest… read more.

Delirium – triggers and treatments

Written by | 24 Jun 2022

Delirium can affect up to 70 percent of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) and in other acute care settings; it is a condition that can have far-reaching… read more.

What can pharmacists contribute to delirium management?

Written by | 23 Jun 2022

Dr Cathrine McKenzie, Senior Pharmacist, Critical Care argues that pharmacists in all sectors need to be aware of delirium because they all have something to contribute. Moreover, a… read more.

Treatment options for delirium

Written by | 22 Jun 2022

The number of pharmacotherapies for delirium is “disappointingly low”, but a number of other measures can help and research into new and repurposed treatments is under way, says… read more.

Delirium and why it’s a problem

Written by | 20 Jun 2022

Delirium can affect up to 70 percent of patients in intensive care and is a condition that can have far-reaching consequences. IMI spoke to Dr Cathrine McKenzie, Senior… read more.

Preventing maternal deaths – how anaesthetists are working to drive down preventable maternal mortality in the UK

Written by | 7 Jun 2022

In a session at this year’s Euroanaesthesia, Obstetric Anaesthesia Expert Dr Nuala Lucas (Northwick Park Hospital, London, UK) will examine the key messages for anaesthesia practice from the UK’s… read more.

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