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DDW 2018: Quality of life for IBD patients

Written by | 2 Oct 2018

Inflammatory bowel disease can have a detrimental impact of health-related quality of life, and reducing the physical and psychological disease burden is an important therapeutic target. Patient-reported outcomes… read more.

DDW 2018: Predicting who will get IBD

Written by | 2 Oct 2018

To have a chance of preventing IBD clinicians need to be able to predict who is at risk, based on sensitive and selective risk factors. In a translational… read more.

DDW 2018: Choice in patient management

Written by | 2 Oct 2018

IBD specialists have more treatment options than ever before; yet the optimal use of many agents, old as well as new, remains to be defined. A plenary session… read more.

DDW 2018: IBD Study Updates

Written by | 2 Oct 2018

This article summarises some of the key study updates presented at DDW 2018.

ECCO 2018: Improving patient care in IBD

Written by | 7 Mar 2018

As a community IBD professionals are well aware of the need to raise the bar in terms of delivering quality care that maintains tight disease control and anticipates… read more.

ECCO 2018: Returning to a normal life with IBD

Written by | 1 Mar 2018

Even with access to more potent and sophisticated drugs than ever before, IBD professionals still have a long way to go in optimising treatment and alleviating the long-term… read more.

ECCO 2018: Evolving concepts of IBD pathogenesis

Written by | 1 Mar 2018

Perianal fistula is a debilitating complication in CD which affects up to 50% of patients in the course of their disease…

ECCO 2018: Novel treatments in IBD

Written by | 11 Feb 2018

The current research and development pipeline of novel biologic therapies and small molecule drugs promises improved efficacy and safety in the treatment of IBD in the near future…. read more.

ESCP 2017: Multidisciplinary decision-making for colectomy: the difficult patient 

Written by | 11 Oct 2017

By Maria Dalby (article) and Peter Mas Mollinedo (interviews) The decision to perform a colectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) should not be made lightly. Such a… read more.

Maximising bang for your buck in IBD

Written by | 11 Apr 2017

Dr Peter Irving (London) talks about one of the hot topics for the future -Maximising the bang for your buck in IBD. He highlights the possible benefits of treating… read more.

Vulnerable patients: burning questions in IBD

Written by | 30 Mar 2017

An interesting session at ECCO dealt with the patients for whom there is sparce data to guide their treatment – experts in the field gave their guidance to… read more.

New compounds in the treatment of IBD (ECCO 2017)

Written by | 17 Mar 2017

Never before in the history of IBD have there been so many promising compounds in the pipeline. In a scientific session dedicated to new compounds, leading investigators discussed… read more.

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