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ChatGPT can produce medical record notes ten times faster than doctors

Written by | 28 Mar 2024

The AI model ChatGPT can write administrative medical notes up to ten times faster than doctors without compromising quality. This is according to a new study conducted by… read more.

Largest-ever study of palliative care demonstrates scalable strategy to increase support for seriously ill patients in the hospital

Written by | 4 Feb 2024

Ordering a palliative care consultation by “default” – via an automatic order programmed into the electronic medical record that doctors may cancel if they choose – is an… read more.

Prone position in Covid-19 hospital care reduces risk of intubation

Written by | 1 Jan 2023

Patients in the hospital with Covid-19 related breathing difficulty require intubation less often if they lie face down in a prone position. Researchers reported this finding on Dec…. read more.

Simulation in medical school helps prepare doctors to care for dying patients

Written by | 11 Aug 2022

Simulated experience of caring for a dying patient and their family can improve the confidence and preparedness of medical students to provide such care, according to a new… read more.

Quality and safety of hospital care improves when physicians and patients speak the same language

Written by | 13 Jul 2022

Speaking the same language as their physician can make for healthier patients, new research using ICES data confirms. Frail, older patients admitted to hospital who received care from… read more.

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