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Marine omega-3 supplementation fails to prevent depression

Written by | 23 Dec 2021

The use of marine omega-3 supplements by adults does not appear to prevent the onset of depression, researchers reported on Dec. 21, 2021 in JAMA/Journal of the American… read more.

A new framework for protecting mental health in cities

Written by | 12 Oct 2021

People who live in cities face many challenges that threaten their mental health. In countries in which relatively higher numbers of people live in cities, depression, anxiety and… read more.

Screen time only mildly linked to behavioral problems, but may have social benefits

Written by | 26 Sep 2021

Study of nearly 12,000 kids finds no link to depression, anxiety University of Colorado at Boulder School-aged children who spend more time in front of screens are only… read more.

High BMI causes depression – and both physical and social factors play a role

Written by | 20 Aug 2021

With one in four adults estimated to be obese in the UK, and growing numbers of children affected, obesity is a global health challenge. While the dangers of… read more.

Depressive symptoms linked to rapid kidney function decline

Written by | 31 Jul 2021

In a study of adults with normal kidney function, those who had frequent depressive symptoms were more likely to later experience a rapid decline in kidney function. The… read more.

Exercise likely to be best treatment for depression in coronary heart disease

Written by | 24 Jul 2021

A study by RCSI indicates that exercise is probably the most effective short-term treatment for depression in people with coronary heart disease, when compared to antidepressants and psychotherapy… read more.

Protecting the intellectual abilities of people at risk for psychosis

Written by | 23 Jul 2021

Université de Genève One person in 2000 suffers from a microdeletion of chromosome 22 that can lead to the development of psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, in adolescence…. read more.

Laughing gas relieves symptoms in people with treatment-resistant depression

Written by | 21 Jul 2021

Washington University School of Medicine A single, one-hour treatment that involves breathing in a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide — otherwise known as laughing gas — significantly… read more.

Antidepressant prescribing during covid-19

Written by | 2 Jul 2021

Interview and article by Christine Clark. Some four million extra prescriptions for antidepressants were issued in 2020 compared to 2019 but the cost to the NHS increased by… read more.

Waking just one hour earlier cuts depression risk by double digits, study finds

Written by | 23 Jun 2021

Waking up just one hour earlier could reduce a person’s risk of major depression by 23%, suggests a sweeping new genetic study published May 26 in the journal JAMA… read more.

Mothers’ depression impacts mother-infant relationships

Written by | 9 Jun 2021

Women with depression during pregnancy, or with a history of depression, had a reduced quality of mother-infant interaction. In a study funded by National Institute for Health Research… read more.

Fluvoxamine for early treatment of covid-19

Written by | 8 Jun 2021

Article by Christine Clark. Evidence from trials and real world experience shows that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are effective in treating acute covid and preventing long-haul covid.

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