Role of minimal residual disease in treatment tailoring divides experts by Thomas R. Collins Minimal residual disease (MRD) is a guide for tailoring multiple myeloma whose time has… read more.
Ixazomib improves progression-free survival across subgroups by Thomas R. Collins: The oral proteasome inhibitor (PI) ixazomib with lenalidomide and dexamethasone (IRd) performed well versus placebo plus lenalidomide and… read more.
Experts try to provide clarity in dizzying myeloma landscape by Thomas R. Collins: There’s no doubt that the bonanza of new multiple myeloma therapies is a blessing to… read more.
ASH 2015 proved to be all that we’d hoped for! We’ve witnessed unprecedented change in multiple myeloma with CR and VGPR percentages higher than ever… and most of this… read more.