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Adalimumab appears promising in pediatric crohn’s disease

Written by | 26 Oct 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – Emerging uses of FDA Approved Drugs – Adalimumab appears to be effective in maintaining remission among some pediatric patients with Crohn’s disease.

Food supplements do little for malnourished children’s weight

Written by | 26 Oct 2012

by Gary Finnegan – World Health Matters (Belgium) – Providing energy-dense food supplements to malnourished children in developing countries has limited effect on the weight of malnourished children,… read more.

ITS 2012 Report – Difficult donor issues in the time of donor shortages

Written by | 5 Oct 2012

by Maria Dalby – Introduction – In many ways waiting lists to receive an organ transplantation look very much the same today as they did a decade ago… read more.

ITS 2012 Report – Defining the pool of potential intestinal transplant donors

Written by | 5 Oct 2012

by Maria Dalby – Bowel transplantation poses a dilemma to transplant teams throughout the UK. Consent rates for intestinal donation are lower than for any other solid organ… read more.

Study reports increasing incidence of Clostridium difficile infection

Written by | 2 Oct 2012

C. difficile is a bacterium that is common in the environment. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 337,000 cases of CDI are reported each… read more.

Obesity promotes prostate cancer by altering gene regulation

Written by | 28 Sep 2012

Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men and early treatment is usually very successful. However, like other cancers, obesity increases the risk of aggressive… read more.

ERS 2012 Report – Sleep apnoea linked with increased risk of cancer death

Written by | 28 Sep 2012

Sleep apnoea severity has been associated with increased cancer mortality in a new study.

ESC 2012 Report – Normal weight and belly fat spells higher risk of CVD than obesity only

Written by | 17 Sep 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – Normal weight persons with weight concentrated in their belly run a higher death risk of CVD-related death than obese-only individuals, researchers reported at ESC.

ESC 2012 Report – Normal weight individuals with belly fat at highest CVD risk

Written by | 17 Sep 2012

by Zara Qadir – BMI still offers a simple numeric measure of a person’s “thickness” or “thinness”.  However, normal weight individuals who carry weight concentrated in their belly… read more.

ESC 2012 Report – Metabolically healthy, fit obese persons appear to have normal CVD and cancer risks

Written by | 17 Sep 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – Obese persons who are metabolically healthy and fit have no more risk of developing or dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer than persons of… read more.

Report of the Bayer satellite symposium EAHP 2013

Written by | 3 Aug 2012

by Christine Clark – The Bayer satellite symposium, ‘The new oral anticoagulants: mechanisms, evidence and day-to-day decisions’, was held at the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists Congress in… read more.

Combination of obesity and low Vitamin D could increase risk of diabetes

Written by | 31 Jul 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – The combination of obesity and low vitamin D deficiency appears to cause a greater risk of insulin resistance than either factor alone, researchers reported… read more.

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