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Global diabetes cases to soar from 529 million to 1.3 billion by 2050

Written by | 28 Jun 2023

More than half a billion people are living with diabetes worldwide, affecting men, women, and children of all ages in every country, and that number is projected to… read more.

One third of patients with diabetes in Austria discontinue treatment

Written by | 8 Jun 2023

A research team led by the Complexity Science Hub Vienna and the Medical University of Vienna has analysed the actual prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in Austria for… read more.

Potency drug reduced long-term blood sugar in type 2 diabetes

Written by | 8 May 2023

A small group of patients with type 2 diabetes significantly improved their long-term blood sugar levels when treated with high-dose tadalafil, a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction. The… read more.

Telephone-based health coaching did not affect postpartum weight gain

Written by | 30 Apr 2023

Gestational diabetes (GDM) and overweight during pregnancy are associated with increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Although postpartum weight loss can reduce diabetes risk, effective interventions are lacking… read more.

New study provides first published examples of medication deprescribing protocols for type 2 diabetes

Written by | 25 Apr 2023

A qualitative case series research study sponsored by the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and published in Clinical Diabetes provides the first published examples of protocols to help guide clinical decision making on… read more.

Switching drinks can be a lifesaver for adults with type 2 diabetes

Written by | 22 Apr 2023

Among persons diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, consumption of tea, coffee or water rather than sugary drinks has been linked to lower rates of early death due to… read more.

Study links poor diet to 14 million cases of type 2 diabetes globally

Written by | 21 Apr 2023

A research model of dietary intake in 184 countries, developed by researchers at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, estimates that poor diet contributed to… read more.

Analysis of health and prescription data suggests chronic health conditions in U.S. incarcerated people may be severely undertreated

Written by | 18 Apr 2023

Chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, asthma, HIV infection, and mental illness may be greatly undertreated in the U.S. jail and prison population, suggests a new study… read more.

UK study shows increased cancer mortality in people with type 2 diabetes

Written by | 29 Jan 2023

New research, funded by Hope Against Cancer and published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes [EASD]) shows that cancer mortality in people with… read more.

Fasting can lead to remission of Type 2 diabetes

Written by | 21 Jan 2023

Persons with Type 2 diabetes have achieved complete remission of disease following use of an intermittent fasting diet intervention, researchers reported on Dec. 22, 2022 in the Journal… read more.

Metformin reduces risk of joint replacement in diabetes patients

Written by | 19 Dec 2022

Metformin use appears to lower the risk of total joint replacement in patients with type 2 diabetes. Researchers reported this finding on December 19, 2022 in the CMAJ/Canadian… read more.

Intermittent fasting may reverse type 2 diabetes, according to study

Written by | 18 Dec 2022

After an intermittent fasting diet intervention, patients achieved complete diabetes remission, defined as an HbA1c (average blood sugar) level of less than 6.5% at least one year after… read more.

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