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ISH/BSH 2016: Dr Craig Moskowitz (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY, USA) and Professor David Linch (University College London Hospital) discuss the role of transplant in HL. Also included an associated article entitled ‘Allogeneic stem cell transplantation: still a role in CLL/lymphoma?’

Written by | 6 Jun 2016

Allogeneic stem cell transplantation: still a role in CLL/lymphoma? by Christine Clark Professor Peter Dreger, Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany. The goal of allogeneic transplant therapy is to provide… read more.

BTS 2016: Transplantation of kidneys from small paediatric donors. Can we set a limit? Niaz Ahmad, St James's Hospital, Leeds

Written by | 24 Mar 2016

by Maria Dalby:  Organ donation from children aged less than 2 years is extremely rare in the UK but could offer significant scope for expanding the donor pool…. read more.

BTS 2016: Transplantation of kidneys from small paediatric donors. Can we set a limit? Niaz Ahmad, St James’s Hospital, Leeds

Written by | 24 Mar 2016

by Maria Dalby:  Organ donation from children aged less than 2 years is extremely rare in the UK but could offer significant scope for expanding the donor pool…. read more.

BTS 2016: Controversies in UK organ transplantation: have we gone too far in terms of organ quantity at the expense of organ quality? Professor Derek Manas (Newcastle upon Tyne) and Lorna Marson (Edinburgh) discuss in this video the plenary on quantity vs quality.

Written by | 23 Mar 2016

Controversies in UK organ transplantation: have we gone too far in terms of organ quantity at the expense of organ quality? John Forsythe, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and Chris… read more.

BTS 2016: Should patients with non-HCC related cancers be considered for listing for liver transplantation in the UK? An interview with Professor Nigel Heaton, who was Judge, and Dr Varuna Aluvihare (both from Kings College Hospital, London), who was Juror in this session

Written by | 22 Mar 2016

BTS 2016: How important is it to implement patient tailored transplantation? An interview with Dr Varuna Aluvihare (Kings College Hospital, London)

Written by | 18 Mar 2016

BTS 2016: An interview with Dr Jayme Locke, Transplant Surgery, University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL, USA. The new US kidney allocation scheme.

Written by | 16 Mar 2016

BTS 2016: Best practice immunosuppression – no more Mr Nice Guy. Interview with Lorna Marson, Lisa Burnapp and Professor Derek Manas from the BTS executive discuss the potential impact on patients if the appeal fails and Professor Nigel Heaton and Dr Varuna Aluvihare (Kings College Hospital) give a surgeon and hepatologist’s view on how NICE renal guidance might affect liver transplantation.

Written by | 15 Mar 2016

Best practice immunosuppression – no more Mr Nice Guy.   Nicholas Torpey, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge. Overview by Maria Dalby The updated recommendations from the National Institute for Health… read more.

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