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Managing fibromyalgia

Written by | 14 May 2013

Fibromyalgia, now recognized as a true health syndrome with origins in the central nervous system, has seen many recent evolutions regarding its diagnosis and management which should instil… read more.

British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) 2013 Report – TNF switch works in Psoriatic Arthritis

Written by | 10 May 2013

Most patients with psoriatic arthritis responded well to a first-line biologic, but for many of those who didn’t initially respond, switching to another agent proved beneficial.

British Society for Rheumatology (BSR) 2013 Report – Steroid relapse can predict vasculitis damage

Written by | 10 May 2013

Patients with systemic vasculitis who require steroids for long periods or who have multiple relapses are likely to have extensive, irreversible organ damage.

The world’s first (official) biosimilar antibody goes to… Rheumatoid Arthritis

Written by | 3 Sep 2012

The end of July 2012 proved exciting for the world of biosimilar manufacturers. However, for the regulatory officials worldwide it meant more uncertainty and unknowns about proper, global… read more.

‘Walking skills’ programme boosts hip replacement recovery

Written by | 16 Mar 2012

World Health Matters – Norway – by Gary Finnegan – Researchers in Norway have shown that physical therapy can have a significant impact on recovery times for patients… read more.

Muscle relaxants and neuromodulators for managing RA pain: Many options, but no clear successes

Written by | 9 Mar 2012

Pain management is a high priority for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, so three researchers in Australia analysed existing study data to see whether two different classes of drugs… read more.

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