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CT health screening can identify diabetes risk

Written by | 10 Aug 2024

Analysis of CT scans in people who undergo imaging for health screening can identify individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a study published today in Radiology,… read more.

AI-assisted breast-cancer screening may reduce unnecessary testing

Written by | 24 Apr 2024

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to supplement radiologists’ evaluations of mammograms may improve breast-cancer screening by reducing false positives without missing cases of cancer, according to a study by… read more.

GPT-4 matches radiologists in detecting errors in radiology reports

Written by | 21 Apr 2024

Large language model GPT-4 matched the performance of radiologists in detecting errors in radiology reports, according to research published today in Radiology, a journal of the Radiological Society of… read more.

Annual breast cancer screening beginning at 40 saves lives

Written by | 23 Feb 2024

Annual breast cancer screening beginning at age 40 and continuing to at least age 79 results in the highest reduction in mortality with minimal risks, according to a… read more.

Mini TEE ultrasound transducer has FDA 510 (k) approval to improve cardiac care for more patients – Royal Philips

Written by | 11 Feb 2024

Royal Philips a global leader in health technology, announced that its latest TEE transducer, designed to serve more patients with improved overall comfort, has received FDA 510(k) clearance…. read more.

CT scan is most effective to assess people with chest pain

Written by | 3 Feb 2024

Previous studies have found less than 40% of patients with stable chest pain undergoing invasive coronary angiography are found to have obstructive coronary artery disease. Recent randomized clinical… read more.

Ultrafast laser technology could offer improved cancer treatment

Written by | 20 Dec 2023

Ultrafast laser technology continues to surprise. While research in this field may seem rather abstract at first glance, it very often leads to concrete applications. This is particularly… read more.

Some breast cancer survivors may safely de-escalate mammography three years after surgery

Written by | 11 Dec 2023

Women 50 or older who de-escalated to less-frequent mammography three years after curative surgery for early-stage breast cancer had similar outcomes to women who received annual mammography, according… read more.

Bendy X-ray detectors could revolutionize cancer treatment

Written by | 8 Nov 2023

New materials developed at the University of Surrey could pave the way for a new generation of flexible X-ray detectors, with potential applications ranging from cancer treatment to… read more.

CHMP positive for Elucirem (gadopiclenol) in the European Union (EU) for use in adults and children aged 2 years and over for MRI with contrast enhancement – Guerbet S.A + Bracco

Written by | 19 Oct 2023

The Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has issued a positive opinion concerning the granting of a marketing authorisation for… read more.

Shorter course of radiation therapy is safe for patients with early-stage breast cancer who have undergone mastectomy and reconstruction

Written by | 3 Oct 2023

Researchers at Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center have found that a shorter course of radiation therapy after mastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery provides the same protection against breast cancer recurrence and… read more.

More cases of breast cancer detected with the help of AI

Written by | 12 Sep 2023

One radiologist supported by AI detected more cases of breast cancer in screening mammography than two radiologists working together, reports the ScreenTrustCAD study from Karolinska Institutet in The Lancet… read more.

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