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Vitamin D supplementation appears to reduce dementia incidence

Written by | 16 Mar 2023

Researchers at the University of Calgary in Canada and the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom explored the relationship between vitamin D supplementation and dementia in more… read more.

New research points to drug option for hair-pulling, skin-picking disorders

Written by | 10 Mar 2023

New research at the University of Chicago Medicine has found that a drug commonly used to treat symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease effectively reduced symptoms of adults who experience… read more.

Social isolation linked to neurodegeneration

Written by | 6 Feb 2023

Social lifestyle determinants, including social isolation, are associated with neurodegeneration risk factors, according to a new study published PLOS ONE by scientists at McGill University, Canada. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is… read more.

Ketamine found to increase brain noise

Written by | 30 Dec 2022

An international team of researchers including Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow at the HSE University-Perm, found that ketamine, being an NMDA receptor inhibitor, increases the brain’s background noise, causing higher… read more.

ADHD medication shows promise for amphetamine addiction

Written by | 22 Dec 2022

Compared to other experimental therapies, treatment with the ADHD medication lisdexamfetamine resulted in the lowest risk of hospitalization and death among people with amphetamine addiction, researchers reported on… read more.

Physicians with beliefs about long-term harms of benzodiazepine are less likely to prescribe it

Written by | 6 Dec 2022

Despite the continuing growth of benzodiazepine (BZD)-related overdoses, BZD prescription rates have held constant. Much is unknown about how a doctor’s own beliefs about BZD use and potential… read more.

Increased need for mental health care strains capacity

Written by | 17 Nov 2022

Demand for mental health treatment has continued to increase as many psychologists report no longer having the capacity to see new patients, according to a new survey by… read more.

HKUMed research team estimates over 30% elevated risk of breast cancer among antipsychotic users

Written by | 28 Sep 2022

A research team from the Centre for Safe Medication Practice and Research (CSMPR), Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong (HKUMed)… read more.

Risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s disease increases by 50-80% in older adults who caught COVID-19

Written by | 24 Sep 2022

Older people who were infected with COVID-19 show a substantially higher risk—as much as 50% to 80% higher than a control group—of developing Alzheimer’s disease within a year,… read more.

Progress on early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

Written by | 19 Jun 2022

Inside the body, some seemingly harmless proteins have sinister potential. In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, the amyloid-beta (Aβ) protein, which is vital for brain growth, can become… read more.

How can mental health professionals open their minds to psychosis?

Written by | 11 May 2022

Effective clinical care for patients with psychosis means understanding the ‘lived experience’ of their delusions, say researchers at the Universities of Birmingham, York and Melbourne. By understanding the… read more.

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) halves suicide at a year post-hospitalization

Written by | 2 May 2022

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) led to a 47 per cent reduction suicide risk among depressed patients for a year after hospitalization. The findings were reported on April 26, 2022… read more.

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