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Number of pediatric inpatient psychiatric beds in the U.S. did not increase 2017-2020 despite youth mental health crisis

Written by | 22 Aug 2024

U.S. pediatric inpatient psychiatric bed capacity did not change 2017 – 2020, despite increases in pediatric mental health emergency visits, according to a study published in JAMA Pediatrics. Researchers… read more.

Growth of psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners helped offset drop in psychiatrists

Written by | 14 Sep 2022

The mental health system is increasingly reliant on psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs) to meet the psychiatric needs of Medicare patients, according to a new study led… read more.

Coronavirus and mental health

Written by | 7 Apr 2022

The coronavirus pandemic has had a huge impact on mental health in general but especially on health care workers and on children, according to Professor Lynn Crismon. Commenting… read more.

Developing psychiatric pharmacy practice

Written by | 6 Apr 2022

A request from the medical director to review the prescribing of psychotropic drugs in a small hospital serving the Navajo population stimulated a career interest in psychiatric disease… read more.

Working with the Navajo people and a case of bubonic plague

Written by | 5 Apr 2022

Early in his career Professor Lynn Crismon worked in the US Public Health Service on the Navajo reservation where he learned much about communicable diseases, including bubonic plague…. read more.

Pharmacy practice in psychiatry

Written by | 4 Apr 2022

Professor M Lynn Crismon received the 2021 American Society of Health System Pharmacists award for excellence in pharmacy practice leadership. IMI spoke to him to find out more… read more.

Partners of people with schizophrenia often have a psychiatric disorder

Written by | 13 May 2021

Article written by Gary Finnegan. It is well-established that the children of people with serious mental health issues can be affected by their parents’ illness. Now new research… read more.

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