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Culturally-informed mental health screenings improve school and community successes

Written by | 24 Dec 2022

As concerns about youth mental health, school shootings, and other forms of violence prompt more school systems to conduct mental health screenings, a UCR-led analysis is urging school… read more.

Cost concerns keep older adults from seeking care

Written by | 20 Dec 2022

Worries about what emergency care might cost them have kept some older adults from seeking medical attention even when they felt they might need it, a new study… read more.

No proven health impact of free primary care from age 85 in Sweden

Written by | 14 Dec 2022

Introducing copayment elimination in primary care in Sweden for the over-85s has not caused a rise in the number of health care visits. In terms of achieving the intended… read more.

Physicians with beliefs about long-term harms of benzodiazepine are less likely to prescribe it

Written by | 6 Dec 2022

Despite the continuing growth of benzodiazepine (BZD)-related overdoses, BZD prescription rates have held constant. Much is unknown about how a doctor’s own beliefs about BZD use and potential… read more.

Self-driven healthcare can improve health outcomes and reduce costs

Written by | 4 Dec 2022

A vision for building sustainable, self-driven healthcare spanning primary care, secondary care and the wider health and social care system has been set out by medical innovators writing… read more.

More needs to be done to improve uptake of interpreting services in primary care settings

Written by | 2 Dec 2022

People who do not speak English well often ask friends and family to translate for them when accessing their GP practice, finds a new study from the University… read more.

Half of patients in telemedicine program for opioid use disorder current with medication a month later

Written by | 25 Nov 2022

More than half of the patients who were prescribed medication to treat opioid use disorder through a virtual program established during the pandemic continued with their treatment at… read more.

What happens if your medical records are incomplete?

Written by | 19 Nov 2022

Your entire medical journey lives in digital health records, but how do you know if those records are wrong, incomplete or missing important information? That’s the focus of… read more.

Significant number of seniors rely on failing public transit systems to get to medical appointments

Written by | 31 Oct 2022

About 1 in 10 seniors who live in cities reported that they use public transportation, and 20 percent of older transit users said they relied on trains and… read more.

Virtual care associated with significant environmental and patient cost savings

Written by | 23 Oct 2022

A new study by researchers at ICES, Lawson Health Research Institute and Western University finds that virtual care during the COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and patient… read more.

Greater uptake of breast cancer screening if appointments are pre-booked

Written by | 14 Oct 2022

The study, published today in the Journal of Medical Screening, found that issuing pre-booked appointments, rather than invitations to book an appointment, could lead to substantially greater uptake of… read more.

One in three Alzheimer’s disease family caregivers has persistent symptoms of depression

Written by | 5 Oct 2022

More than 60% of family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) experienced at least mild depressive symptoms already at the time the individual with AD was diagnosed…. read more.

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