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Last decade saw big decrease in teens who used commonly prescribed and misused prescription drugs

Written by | 28 Jul 2024

Since 2009, U.S. high school seniors have reported steep declines in medical use, misuse and availability of the three most commonly prescribed and misused controlled substances for teens,… read more.

How an Indian government policy backfired: the unintended consequences of price regulation of prescription drugs

Written by | 5 Jun 2024

Researchers from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, University of Chicago, and Management Development Institute, Gurgaon published a new Journal of Marketing study that examines the unintended consequences of an Indian government healthcare… read more.

New study points to supply chain disruptions if the FDA removes ineffective decongestant from the market

Written by | 10 Feb 2024

In a new study of nasal decongestant purchasing patterns, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine found that phenylephrine remained the most popular choice year after… read more.

New prescription drugs typically sold first in US

Written by | 7 Feb 2024

Most new prescription drugs are sold first in the U.S. before they reach other nations, but ultimately important medications are sold across most wealthy nations within about a… read more.

Medicare is overpaying for generic drugs

Written by | 8 Dec 2023

Medicare is the single largest provider of health insurance in the United States, serving 63.8 million senior citizens as of 2022. Three-quarters of these recipients are enrolled in… read more.

Patient support programs for prescription drugs are common, especially for expensive drugs

Written by | 30 Nov 2023

About 1 in 10 prescription drugs — mainly brand-name and expensive drugs and those for rare diseases — has a manufacturer-sponsored patient support program, which usually includes financial, nursing and educational supports…. read more.

Americans will spend half their lives taking prescription drugs, study finds

Written by | 18 Oct 2023

An American born in 2019 will spend a larger share of their lifetime taking prescription drugs than being married or receiving an education, according to new research by… read more.

New Schaeffer white paper offers solutions to ensure greater patient access to prescription drugs

Written by | 16 Apr 2023

Although the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) aimed to increase patient access to prescription drugs and decrease spending, researchers warn that it may have unintended negative impacts… read more.

UK government media releases risk flouting regs on promotion of prescription only meds

Written by | 30 Sep 2022

Recent media releases/statements on new prescription medicines (POMs) issued by the UK Department of Health and Social Care and its executive NHS agencies, risks flouting the strict regulations… read more.

Association of direct-to-consumer advertising of prescription drugs with consumer health-related intentions, beliefs

Written by | 17 Aug 2022

Brief exposure to direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) has a large and positive association with medication-related demand intentions, according to a study published online Aug. 12 in JAMA Health Forum. Matthew… read more.

Efforts to save money on prescription drugs associated with increased stroke risk for seniors

Written by | 12 Aug 2022

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a major risk factor for stroke, and for decades the anticoagulant warfarin was the standard treatment for lowering that hazard. However, numerous drug and… read more.

Recreational marijuana access reduces demand for prescription drugs

Written by | 5 May 2022

Legalization of recreational marijuana reduces demand for costly prescription drugs through state Medicaid programs, according to an analysis by a Cornell researcher and a collaborator. When states legalize… read more.

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