Could pharmacist-prescribing reduce chemotherapy errors?
Shannon Nally is a pharmacist with a strong background in aseptic pharmacy work and oncology. Whilst studying for a master’s degree at University College Cork (UCC) she undertook… read more.
Shannon Nally is a pharmacist with a strong background in aseptic pharmacy work and oncology. Whilst studying for a master’s degree at University College Cork (UCC) she undertook… read more.
Chemotherapy prescribing is an “error-prone process” according to Shannon Nally, the author of a study conducted at University Hospital, Limerick. The findings suggest that prescribing of chemotherapy by… read more.
Shannon Nally is a pharmacist with a strong background in aseptic pharmacy work and oncology. Whilst studying for a master’s degree at University College Cork (UCC) she undertook… read more.