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Planned home birth presents little risk where midwifery is well-integrated

Written by | 14 Oct 2021

In the state of Washington, a planned home birth with a licensed midwife is just as safe as a birth at a licensed birth centre. Researchers from the… read more.

Severe infections during pregnancy associated with complications around childbirth

Written by | 10 Sep 2021

Researchers recommend increased prenatal surveillance for patients with sepsis and other serious infections University of California – San Francisco Individuals who are hospitalized during pregnancy due to sepsis… read more.

Study links secondhand smoke during pregnancy to epigenetic changes in babies

Written by | 26 May 2021

Nearly a quarter of pregnant women say they’ve been around secondhand smoke — in their homes, at work, around a friend or relative — which, according to new… read more.

Fecal transplantation can restore the gut microbiota of C-section babies

Written by | 5 Nov 2020

The human gut contains a diverse ecosystem of microbes: mainly bacteria, as well as viruses and fungi, termed the gut microbiota. Recent years have shown that the gut… read more.

World’s first major study into MS and pregnancy reveals it delays onset of MS symptoms by more than 3 years

Written by | 6 Oct 2020

A comprehensive international study, led by Monash University researchers, has definitively found that pregnancy can delay the onset of multiple sclerosis (MS) by more than 3 years. MS… read more.

DDW 2018: Predicting who will get IBD

Written by | 2 Oct 2018

To have a chance of preventing IBD clinicians need to be able to predict who is at risk, based on sensitive and selective risk factors. In a translational… read more.

Aspirin reduces rate of preeclampsia among at-risk pregnant women

Written by | 16 Aug 2017

Researchers report that treatment of at-risk pregnant women with low-dose aspirin (150 mg) resulted in  a significant reduction in pre-term preeclampsia.

Vulnerable patients: burning questions in IBD

Written by | 30 Mar 2017

An interesting session at ECCO dealt with the patients for whom there is sparce data to guide their treatment – experts in the field gave their guidance to… read more.

World Health Matters: Ireland: Study predicts risk of Caesarean delivery

Written by | 24 Feb 2016

by Gary Finnegan: Researchers have developed a new scoring system that rates women’s risk of Caesarean section. The study combines a range of indicators to help maternity hospitals… read more.

Pre-pregnancy exercise reduces pelvic girdle pain

Written by | 27 Oct 2015

by Bruce Sylvester: Exercise prior to pregnancy appears to reduce pelvic girdle pain caused by joint and ligament changes during pregnancy, researchers reported online on October 7, 2015… read more.

Cell-free DNA blood test more accurately detects down syndrome

Written by | 15 Apr 2015

by Bruce Sylvester: A blood test administered between weeks 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy appears to be a more accurate diagnostic tool for Down syndrome and two… read more.

World Health Matters: Belgium: GM mice cast doubt on diabetes research

Written by | 16 Feb 2015

by Gary Finnegan: Could years of diabetes research have been in vain? That is the question occupying scientists after the publication of a new study by researchers in… read more.

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