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Simple blood test shows promise for screening common and dangerous pregnancy complications

Written by | 17 Jan 2023

Scientists at Ningbo University, China have identified biomarkers that could provide an early warning system for three common and dangerous pregnancy complications: pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes, and a liver… read more.

Drinking during pregnancy changes baby’s brain structure

Written by | 28 Nov 2022

A new MRI study reveals that consumption of alcohol, even in low to moderate amounts during pregnancy, can change the baby’s brain structure and delay brain development. Alcohol… read more.

Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy does not appear to raise risk of preterm birth or stillbirth

Written by | 27 Aug 2022

Researchers report that vaccination against Covid-19 during pregnancy is not related to an increase in risk of preterm birth, small size for gestational age at birth or stillbirth…. read more.

Inflammatory bowel disease increases risks for pregnant women

Written by | 8 Aug 2022

Pregnant women with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and their babies face increased risks and complications compared to pregnant women without IBD. Those are the findings from a new… read more.

Calls for mental health of both parents to be considered during the perinatal period

Written by | 30 Jun 2022

Perinatal mood disorders such as postnatal depression and perinatal anxiety, may affect both mothers and fathers simultaneously, finds a new systematic review and meta-analysis* led by UCL researchers…. read more.

Preventing maternal deaths – how anaesthetists are working to drive down preventable maternal mortality in the UK

Written by | 7 Jun 2022

In a session at this year’s Euroanaesthesia, Obstetric Anaesthesia Expert Dr Nuala Lucas (Northwick Park Hospital, London, UK) will examine the key messages for anaesthesia practice from the UK’s… read more.

Antidepressant use during pregnancy not linked to epilepsy in children

Written by | 14 May 2022

A new study suggests that antidepressant use by mothers during the first trimester of pregnancy does not increase the chances of epilepsy and seizures in babies. The research… read more.

Weight loss doesn’t help pregnancy chances, study finds

Written by | 15 Mar 2022

Women who are obese and struggling to become pregnant are often advised to lose weight, but a new study finds no fertility benefits from weight loss. A randomized… read more.

COVID-19 increases risk of pregnancy complications, study suggests

Written by | 11 Feb 2022

Pregnant women with COVID-19 appear to be at greater risk for common pregnancy complications — in addition to health risks from the virus — than pregnant women without… read more.

Third of fertility specialists still recommend a type of IVF treatment which has no clear evidence of benefit

Written by | 26 Dec 2021

Despite a lack of evidence that the intrusive IVF treatment process of scratching the womb (endometrial scratching) increases the chances of having a baby, a third of fertility… read more.

High blood pressure treatment in pregnancy appears safe, prevents maternal heart risks

Written by | 22 Dec 2021

Treatment for high blood pressure during pregnancy appears safe for many women and may reduce maternal risk for severe hypertension without increasing fetal and neonatal risks, according to… read more.

Mothers transmitting hepatitis B to children as broken hospital procedures plague Europe

Written by | 9 Nov 2021

Procedures to prevent the direct transmission of hepatitis B virus (HBV) from mother to child, particularly during and after pregnancy, have significant fragmentation and gaps, a new survey… read more.

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