Does job strain compromise long-term sleep quality?
In a recent study published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, middle aged workers in the U.S. who reported high job strain at the start of the study… read more.
In a recent study published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, middle aged workers in the U.S. who reported high job strain at the start of the study… read more.
A team of leading sleep researchers from the British Sleep Society have called for the government to abolish the twice-yearly clock changes in the UK due to the… read more.
Avadel Pharmaceuticals plc , announced the publication of final data from the RESTORE open-label/switch study, demonstrating that people with narcolepsy prefer once-at-bedtime Lumryz versus a twice-nightly immediate-release oxybate treatment… read more.
The US Surgeon General recently recommended a warning label for social media platforms due to concerns about their impact on youth mental health. The Surgeon General’s Advisory on… read more.
Irregular sleep duration appears to be associated with an increased risk of diabetes, researchers reported on July 17, 2024 in Diabetes Care. “Our study identified a modifiable lifestyle… read more.
A new study to be presented at the SLEEP 2024 annual meeting found a distinct relationship between sleep duration, social media usage, and brain activation across brain regions… read more.
As part of the University of Colorado Department of Medicine’s annual Research Day, held on April 23, faculty member Christine Swanson, MD, MCR, described her National Institutes of Health-funded clinical research on whether adequate… read more.
Women experience disruptions in their sleep patterns and report heightened feelings of anger in the days leading up to their period, according to new research. The study sheds… read more.
Although most patients diagnosed with Covid-19 will quickly recover, some people experience symptoms that linger well after they start testing negative again — including insomnia. Scientists already knew… read more.
Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids in children with snoring and mild breathing problems during sleep appears to improve their sleep, quality of life, and blood pressure… read more.
Sleep is critical for daytime and neurocognitive functioning, as well as physical and mental health. When people work shifts – in 2015, 21% of workers in the European… read more.
Vivos Therapeutics, Inc. announced that it has been granted 510(k) clearance from the FDA for treating severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults using the Vivos’ removable CARE… read more.