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‘Healthy’ workplaces a vital factor in clawing back billions of dollars lost to workplace injuries and illness

Written by | 10 Jul 2024

A new study published this week shows how the global economy could claw back billions of dollars lost each year due to workplace injuries and illness. In Australia,… read more.

New survey finds 75% of Americans feel mental health takes back seat to physical health within US healthcare system

Written by | 6 May 2024

Three-quarters of Americans feel mental health conditions are identified and treated much worse than physical health issues within the U.S. healthcare system, even as more than 80% perceive… read more.

People who are in good shape take fewer mental-health related medication

Written by | 1 Sep 2023

“We find that people who are in better shape fill fewer prescriptions for anxiety and depression medications,” says Linda Ernstsen, the senior author of the article and an… read more.

Physical health predicts mental well-being during pandemic

Written by | 4 Sep 2021

Pre-pandemic physiological data can help predict how individuals coped with the psychological strain many suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study published in the journal Psychophysiology…. read more.

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