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Discovery made into which children will outgrow their peanut allergy

Written by | 12 May 2024

Australian researchers have discovered how changes in antibody levels over time can predict which children are likely to outgrow their peanut allergy. The research, led by Murdoch Children’s Research… read more.

Skin patch shows promise for toddlers with peanut allergy

Written by | 27 May 2023

A global phase 3 clinical trial that included Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago found that a year-long immunotherapy through a skin patch safely desensitized… read more.

Boiled peanuts could help overcome childhood allergy

Written by | 5 Feb 2023

Boiling peanuts for up to 12 hours could help overcome children’s allergic reactions, according to the results of a clinical trial which found up to 80% of children… read more.

Peanut allergy treatment safest when started for infants under 12 months, researchers find

Written by | 22 Jun 2022

UBC researchers demonstrated in 2019 that pre-schoolers can safely overcome peanut allergies with a treatment called oral immunotherapy. Now they have evidence that the earlier pre-schoolers start this… read more.

National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) (UK) recommends Palforzia for treating peanut allergy in children – Aimmune/Nestle

Written by | 7 Feb 2022

NICE (UK)-Palforzia from Aimmune/Nestle is recommended, within its marketing authorisation, as an option for treating peanut allergy in children aged 4 to 17. It can be continued in… read more.

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