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ASH 2015: We ask Professor Sagar Lonial (Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA) what the role of PET/CT is as a measure of MRD post ASCT and ask Professor Antonio Palumbo (University of Torino, Italy) and Professor Graham Jackson (NCCC, Newcastle Hospitals Trust, UK) whether MRD measurement is ready for clinical use

Written by | 10 Feb 2016

Role of minimal residual disease in treatment tailoring divides experts by Thomas R. Collins Minimal residual disease (MRD) is a guide for tailoring multiple myeloma whose time has… read more.

Exercise helps prevent low back pain

Written by | 3 Feb 2016

by Bruce Sylvester: Results from a meta-analysis of relevant studies suggest that exercise, alone or in combination with education, reduces the risk of low back pain. The findings… read more.

X-ray appears unreliable for spotting hip osteoarthritis

Written by | 11 Jan 2016

by Bruce Sylvester: Researchers report that in most cases hip x-rays are unreliable for diagnosing hip osteoarthritis (OA). The findings appeared on Dec. 8, 2015 in the British Medical… read more.

Drug combos do not improve acute low back pain

Written by | 14 Dec 2015

by Bruce Sylvester: Emergency room patients who report acute, lower back pain do not appear to benefit from adding either oxycodone/acetaminophen or the muscle relaxant cyclobenzaprine to naproxen… read more.

AHA 2015: PAD patients show improved walking after revascularization that precedes exercise

Written by | 4 Dec 2015

by Bruce Sylvester: Among patients with peripheral artery disease and intermittent claudication, treatment with endovascular revascularization followed by supervised exercise led to greater improvement in walking distances and… read more.

Bedtime dosing of blood pressure drugs reduces diabetes risk

Written by | 2 Nov 2015

by Bruce Sylvester: Blood pressure drug dosing at bedtime instead of  in the morning not only lowers blood pressure during sleep but significantly reduces the risk of type… read more.

Pre-pregnancy exercise reduces pelvic girdle pain

Written by | 27 Oct 2015

by Bruce Sylvester: Exercise prior to pregnancy appears to reduce pelvic girdle pain caused by joint and ligament changes during pregnancy, researchers reported online on October 7, 2015… read more.

World Health Matters: Exercise helps women tolerate chemotherapy

Written by | 19 Oct 2015

by Gary Finnegan: Netherlands: Women with breast cancer who follow a physical exercise programme during their chemotherapy treatment experience fewer side effects, according a study by the Netherlands… read more.

EMA Highlights: Green light for new medicines

Written by | 13 Oct 2015

by Gary Finnegan: The European Medicines Agency’s key committee approved a total of 19 new medicines at its meeting in late September – the highest number of products… read more.

USA pain by the numbers

Written by | 6 Oct 2015

In one of the largest population studies on pain to date, researchers with the National Institutes of Health estimate that nearly 40 million Americans experience severe pain and… read more.

Body fat, not BMI, tied to foot pain

Written by | 5 Oct 2015

An increase in fat mass index (FMI), but not body mass index (BMI), was associated with both prevalent and future foot pain, a large community-based study showed.

Effective use of Firmagon (degarelix) for advanced prostate cancer

Written by | 2 Oct 2015

Firmagon (Degarelix) is a competitive, reversible GnRH receptor blocker, for patients with advanced hormone-dependent prostate cancer.  Where Injection technique is critical;  Nora Sullivan, a specialist nurse at Hibernian… read more.

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