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Turmeric supplement more effective than placebo for osteoarthritis knee pain

Written by | 8 Oct 2020

An extract of Curcuma longa (CL), commonly known as turmeric, was found to be more effective than placebo for reducing knee pain in patients with knee osteoarthritis. However,… read more.

Drugging the undruggable: Yale finds treatment path for muscular dystrophy

Written by | 24 Sep 2020

Researchers at Yale have identified a possible treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a rare genetic disease for which there is currently no cure or treatment, by targeting… read more.

Lung cancer screening and its implications

Written by | 19 Jul 2019

Professor Bob Steele CBE (Dundee, UK) discusses the potential implementation of a National Screening Programme in the UK, and the view post-NELSON, as well as highlighting the next steps in… read more.

Mesothelioma trials update

Written by | 10 Jul 2019

Dr Popat gives an update of the ongoing studies in mesothelioma in the UK

Advances in RRMM

Written by | 9 May 2019

Professor Kwee Yong (London, UK) details the results from the Tourmaline-MM3 study

Translational science in IBD

Written by | 9 Apr 2019

Dr Bram Verstockt (Leuven, Belgium) discusses a biopsy study looking at increases NCR+ ILC3 levels in IBD patients on biologic therapy.

ECCO 2018: Evolving concepts of IBD pathogenesis

Written by | 1 Mar 2018

Perianal fistula is a debilitating complication in CD which affects up to 50% of patients in the course of their disease…

ECCO 2018: Novel treatments in IBD

Written by | 11 Feb 2018

The current research and development pipeline of novel biologic therapies and small molecule drugs promises improved efficacy and safety in the treatment of IBD in the near future…. read more.

Hesitation still surrounds use of ‘cure’ word in MM

Written by | 15 Jan 2018

Cure is not simply about having a few patients cured – it’s about reliably being able to cure a population with a disease, argues Professor S Vincent Rajkumar (Mayo Clinic,… read more.

Post-surgical pain scores improve as analgesic opioid use falls

Written by | 27 Feb 2017

Researchers who conducted a retrospective analysis of data from over 100,000 surgical cases in one university health system have reported that patients’ pain scores improved when physicians administered… read more.

Duloxetine shows efficacy for pain associated with breast cancer treatment

Written by | 19 Dec 2016

By Bruce Sylvester Duloxetine (Cymbalta ®), a widely-used treatment for depression and anxiety, appears to reduce joint pain in postmenopausal women being treated for early stage breast cancer,… read more.

EMA Highlights: Spain and Italy pushing to host EU drug watchdog

Written by | 29 Aug 2016

by Gary Finnegan: Within hours of the UK’s vote to leave the European Union, at least half a dozen countries began to call for the European Medicines Agency… read more.

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