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Information as important as medication in migraine pain

Written by | 16 Jan 2014

Findings also show that patients report pain relief even when they know they are receiving a placebo.

FDA Highlights: Prophylactic anastrozole reduces breast cancer development by 53 percent among high risk women

Written by | 10 Jan 2014

by Bruce Sylvester – Prophylactic use of the breast cancer drug anastrozole for five years reduced by 53% the development of breast cancer in post-menopausal women at high… read more.

FDA Highlights: Gabapentin appears to be safe and effective for alcohol dependence therapy

Written by | 9 Jan 2014

by Bruce Sylvester – Gabapentin, a treatment for epilepsy and neuropathic pain, appears to be safe and effective for treating alcohol dependence, researchers reported in JAMA Internal Medicine on… read more.

Torture permanently damages normal perception of pain

Written by | 18 Dec 2013

Israeli soldiers captured during the 1973 Yom Kippur War were subjected to brutal torture in Egypt and Syria. Held alone in tiny, filthy spaces for weeks or months,… read more.

Pleasure and pain brain signals disrupted in fibromyalgia patients

Written by | 18 Dec 2013

New research indicates that a disruption of brain signals for reward and punishment contributes to increased pain sensitivity, known as hyperalgesia, in fibromyalgia patients.

Brain imaging reveals dynamic changes caused by pain medicines

Written by | 17 Dec 2013

Study suggests role for brain imaging to create personalized treatment of chronic pain

Dreading pain can be worse than pain itself

Written by | 17 Dec 2013

Faced with inevitable pain, most people choose to “get it out of the way” as soon as possible, according to research published this week in PLOS Computational Biology. In… read more.

Pandemic of untreated cancer pain due to over-regulation of pain medicines

Written by | 16 Dec 2013

A ground-breaking international collaborative survey, published today in Annals of Oncology, shows that more than half of the world’s population live in countries where regulations that aim to… read more.

Validate tool for pain assessment in cardiac surgery

Written by | 16 Dec 2013

How do you measure the pain of a patient who can’t communicate? A Rhode Island Hospital researcher studied an observational pain scale in cardiac surgery patients, and found… read more.

Picturing pain could lead to better treatments

Written by | 13 Dec 2013

Understanding the science behind pain, from a simple “ouch” to the chronic and excruciating, has been an elusive goal for centuries. But now, researchers are reporting a promising… read more.

Exercise can reduce drug-related joint pain in breast cancer patients

Written by | 13 Dec 2013

A study by Dr. Jennifer Ligibel, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (pictured), shows exercise can reduce drug-related joint pain in breast cancer patients.

Over half of nonsurgical patients in USA are prescribed opioids during hospitalisations

Written by | 6 Dec 2013

by Bruce Sylvester – A new analysis of over 1 million hospital admissions in US hospitals revealed that over half of all nonsurgical patients were prescribed opioids during… read more.

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