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Reducing screen time increases physical activity in children

Written by | 24 May 2022

Many young people spend much of their time using digital screens which may reduce their engagement in physical activity. But children have always been sedentary during most of… read more.

Gastrointestinal issues linked with anxiety, social withdrawal for kids with autism

Written by | 29 Apr 2022

Children with autism spectrum disorder tend to experience gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation and stomach pain, at a higher rate than their neurotypical peers. Some also experience other… read more.

Parental type 1 diabetes can affect children’s cognitive development

Written by | 28 Apr 2022

Cognitive development in children could be affected regardless of which biological parent has type 1 diabetes, according to research publishing April 19 in the open access journal PLOS Medicine. The… read more.

Differences in children’s behavior predict midlife health behaviors, study finds

Written by | 23 Apr 2022

A recent study by the Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Jyväskylä and the Gerontology Research Center (Finland) investigated the paths from childhood socioemotional… read more.

Hepatitis in young children – Alert in England and Scotland

Written by | 7 Apr 2022

Reports of about 60 cases of hepatitis in children under 10 years of age in England and a further 11 in Scotland have prompted UK public health bodies… read more.

Parent attitudes about using CBD in children

Written by | 22 Feb 2022

Products containing cannabidiol (CBD), a chemical compound naturally found in marijuana and hemp, have been used in recent years to help adults manage medical issues like chronic pain… read more.

Repeated seasonal influenza vaccines also provide kids better protection against future flu pandemics, researchers find

Written by | 5 Feb 2022

Researchers at McMaster University have found that children who receive years of season-specific flu vaccines develop antibodies that also provide broader protection against new strains, including those capable… read more.

Infant deaths from RSV are much higher than previously known

Written by | 4 Feb 2022

Nearly one in ten of all deceased infants under 6 months old were infected with Respiratory Syncytial Virus. A new study found that nearly one in ten of… read more.

Adult epilepsy treatment reduces seizures in children

Written by | 15 Jan 2022

Seizures were reduced in children as young as 3 who received responsive neurostimulation. A surgical treatment commonly used to reduce epileptic seizures in adults also is effective and… read more.

School closures improved sleep for teenagers

Written by | 10 Jan 2022

The closure of schools in spring 2020 had a negative effect on the health and well-being of many young people. But home-schooling also had a positive flipside for… read more.

Overweight children are developing heart complications

Written by | 27 Dec 2021

Youth with high BMI showed signs of artery stiffness, a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The percentage of obese children and teens jumped from 19% pre-pandemic to 22%,… read more.

Dupilumab reduces attacks and improves lung function in asthmatic children

Written by | 12 Dec 2021

The biologic drug dupilumab lowers the rate of severe asthma attacks and improves lung function and asthma control for children ages 6 to 11, researchers reported on December 9, 2021 in… read more.

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