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Childhood tonsillectomy not linked to obesity in adulthood

Written by | 3 Mar 2024

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and Soroka University Medical Center researchers have found that tonsillectomy in children with obstructive sleep apnea does not increase the risk of obesity… read more.

Remote height and weight measurements for children proven as accurate as in-person

Written by | 2 Mar 2024

The increased popularity of telehealth and telemedicine in recent years has provided a new level of accessibility for patients to visit doctors and learn more about their health…. read more.

Can they hear you now? Kids increasingly exposed to noise health risks via earbuds and headphones

Written by | 25 Feb 2024

While it’s not surprising to spot teens wearing headphones and earbuds, it’s also becoming a widespread trend among younger children, a national poll suggests. Two in three parents… read more.

Significantly fewer births on weekends and holidays than weekdays, data analysis of over 21 million births from 1979-2018 in Japan shows

Written by | 24 Feb 2024

Significantly more babies were born on a weekday instead of weekend day or holiday, reveals a large-scale analysis of 21 million births in Japan over almost four decades… read more.

Paradigm Shift: How a risk-based program is changing health care use and outcomes for children with high-risk asthma

Written by | 21 Feb 2024

Le Bonheur’s risk-based innovation program Changing High-Risk Asthma in Memphis through Partnership (CHAMP) significantly decreased health care use related to asthma by targeting barriers to asthma care, according… read more.

This common medication could save half a million children’s lives each year. So why is it underprescribed?

Written by | 12 Feb 2024

Health care providers in developing countries know that oral rehydration salts (ORS) are a lifesaving and inexpensive treatment for diarrheal disease, a leading cause of death for children worldwide —… read more.

Difficulty swallowing, allergies in children and young adults: is it eosinophilic esophagitis?

Written by | 9 Feb 2024

Children and young adults with allergies or eczema who have difficulty swallowing may have eosinophilic esophagitis. A review published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) provides guidance on how to… read more.

Surgery beneficial for some children with mild sleep-disordered breathing

Written by | 12 Dec 2023

Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids in children with snoring and mild breathing problems during sleep appears to improve their sleep, quality of life, and blood pressure… read more.

AI may aid in diagnosing adolescents with ADHD

Written by | 2 Dec 2023

Using artificial intelligence (AI) to analyze specialized brain MRI scans of adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), researchers found significant differences in nine brain white matter tracts… read more.

Video games may make it easier for teens to discuss mental health

Written by | 27 Nov 2023

Depression is common among young people, but this target group often does not get the help they need. Books, exercise, and other depression prevention programmes do not achieve… read more.

Study finds melatonin use soaring among youth

Written by | 19 Nov 2023

Nearly one in five school-aged children and preteens now take melatonin for sleep, and some parents routinely give the hormone to preschoolers, according to new research from the University of… read more.

Language barriers may cause some children to be underdiagnosed for allergic conditions

Written by | 15 Nov 2023

About 20% of the US population speaks a language other than English when they are at home. The abundance of languages spoken in the United States can pose… read more.

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