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Opioid prescriptions significantly higher for patients with lifelong disabilities, study finds

Written by | 11 Jul 2022

A Michigan Medicine study finds that people with two pediatric-onset neurodevelopmental disorders are prescribed opioids at significantly higher rates than those without the conditions, raising concerns over addiction,… read more.

Could time limits on opioid prescriptions reduce misuse?

Written by | 3 Jun 2022

Most people who get a prescription for opioid painkillers to ease the pain of an operation or dental procedure fill it right away. But a new study shows… read more.

Opioid prescriptions for pediatric patients following surgical procedures have dropped significantly

Written by | 6 Apr 2022

Researchers from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine found that opioid prescriptions for children who underwent one of eight common outpatient surgeries declined over a… read more.

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