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Doctors quitting over stress and cost of finding suitable childcare

Written by | 18 Feb 2024

Securing suitable childcare for the irregular and long working hours demanded by a medical career is a crippling financial burden and a draining source of stress for doctor… read more.

COVID-19 pandemic study shows adherence to infection precaution measures among healthcare personnel varies by job role

Written by | 11 Dec 2023

A new study published today in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), based on a survey of healthcare professionals conducted during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, suggests that new efforts… read more.

Working night shifts causes sleep disorders in more than half of workers

Written by | 9 Dec 2023

Sleep is critical for daytime and neurocognitive functioning, as well as physical and mental health. When people work shifts – in 2015, 21% of workers in the European… read more.

Post-Brexit nurse shortage costs the NHS £61 million per year and increased readmission rates by 2%, according to new study

Written by | 7 Dec 2023

A reduction in nurses coming in from the European Union as a result of Brexit may have cost the NHS an estimated £61.9 million per year, according to… read more.

People struggling with work addiction feel unwell even when they are working

Written by | 25 Nov 2023

The mood of workaholics – individuals who suffer from work addiction – is on average worse than that of other people, even when engaged in the activity they are most passionate about: their work…. read more.

Physician burnout reduced with peer support, study finds

Written by | 22 Nov 2023

A new Kaiser Permanente physician peer support program designed to reduce burnout helped improve doctors’ well-being and had a positive impact on the culture of the medical departments… read more.

New study finds association between insecticide exposure and lower sperm concentration in adult men

Written by | 21 Nov 2023

Comprehensive systematic review of 25 studies over nearly 50 years reveals consistent evidence of associations between insecticide exposure and lower sperm concentration. FAIRFAX, Va – Melissa J. Perry,… read more.

Study finds people with inflammatory arthritis face significant psychological challenges in maintaining employment

Written by | 19 Nov 2023

Research from Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) reveals a significant psychological impact related to inflammatory arthritis patients’ efforts to maintain employment while coping with the challenges of their… read more.

“Zoom fatigue”: Exhaustion caused by video conferencing proven on a neurophysiological level for the first time

Written by | 17 Nov 2023

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the increase in virtual interactions has created a new challenge: fatigue caused by video calls, also known as Zoom fatigue or videoconference fatigue. This… read more.

Landmark study reveals critical shortage in UK prosthetic and orthotic workforce

Written by | 7 Nov 2023

A Staffordshire University study has revealed a significant deficit in the number of prosthetists, orthotists, prosthetic and orthotic technicians, and support workers in the UK. The report by… read more.

Financial insecurity common among frontline healthcare workers during COVID-19

Written by | 30 Oct 2023

Many frontline health care workers in the United States experienced food insecurity and other significant financial challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent study led by… read more.

Carers and staff delivering end-of-life care need long-term support

Written by | 28 Oct 2023

Palliative care staff and carers may now need longer-term support mechanisms under a new post-lockdown public health approach, a new study reveals. Researchers found that end-of-life care changed… read more.

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