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Study shows simple diet swaps can cut carbon emissions and improve your health

Written by | 30 Oct 2023

Curbing carbon emissions and eating healthier may both start at the dinner table. According to a new study co-authored by a Tulane University researcher and published in the journal Nature… read more.

Tirzepatide trial shows additional 21.1% weight loss following intensive lifestyle intervention

Written by | 19 Oct 2023

A phase 3 clinical trial evaluating the injectable prescription medication tirzepatide, showed an additional 21.1% weight loss after intensive lifestyle intervention in adults with obesity or who were… read more.

Obese women have worse menopause symptoms and get less relief from hormone therapy

Written by | 28 Sep 2023

Obesity has already been associated with a number of adverse health conditions and can interfere with a person’s quality of life. A new study suggests that, in addition… read more.

Commonly used muscle-building dietary supplements are under regulated in Canada

Written by | 17 Sep 2023

A new policy analysis, published in the journal Performance Enhancement & Health, highlights several gaps in current Canadian policy regulating muscle-building dietary supplements. Muscle-building dietary supplements, including whey protein, creatine… read more.

Obesity-related cardiovascular disease deaths tripled between 1999 and 2020

Written by | 13 Sep 2023

There has been a recent three-fold increase in obesity-related deaths from heart disease in the U.S. between 1999 and 2020, according to new research published today in the Journal of… read more.

Eating a vegan diet could reduce grocery bill 16%, a savings of more than $500 a year, finds new research

Written by | 10 Sep 2023

Food costs decrease 16% on a low-fat vegan diet, a savings of more than $500 a year, compared to a diet that includes meat, dairy, and other animal… read more.

Study demonstrates adding complex component of milk to infant formula confers long-term cognitive benefits

Written by | 3 Sep 2023

Breast milk is widely acknowledged as the most beneficial nutrition for infants, but many families face medical or logistical challenges in breastfeeding. In the U.S., just 45% of… read more.

Sugar-sweetened drinks appear to raise risk of liver cancer and chronic liver disease in women

Written by | 13 Aug 2023

Postmenopausal women who consume one or more sugar sweetened beverage daily appear to have a significantly higher risk of developing liver cancer and chronic liver disease than women… read more.

Font size can ‘nudge’ customers toward healthier food choices

Written by | 13 Aug 2023

Restaurants can persuade patrons to choose healthier foods by adjusting the font size of numbers attached to nutritional information on menus, according to a study headed by a… read more.

Consuming added sugars may increase risk of kidney stones

Written by | 10 Aug 2023

Between 7% and 15% of people in North America, between 5% and 9% of people in Europe, and between 1% and 5% of people in Asia suffer from… read more.

Drinking kombucha may reduce blood sugar levels in people with type-two diabetes

Written by | 5 Aug 2023

People with type-II diabetes who drank the fermented tea drink kombucha for four weeks had lower fasting blood glucose levels compared to when they consumed a similar-tasting placebo… read more.

Omega-3 fatty acids appear promising for maintaining lung health

Written by | 26 Jul 2023

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish and fish oil supplements, appear promising for maintaining lung health, according to new evidence from a large, multi-faceted study in… read more.

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