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Can meditation help you make fewer mistakes?

Written by | 18 Sep 2021

Meditating just once proves to make a difference Michigan State University If you are forgetful or make mistakes when in a hurry, a new study from Michigan State… read more.

Brain refreshing: Why the dreaming phase matters

Written by | 16 Sep 2021

Scientists have long wondered why almost all animals sleep, despite the disadvantages to survival of being unconscious. Now, researchers led by a team from the University of Tsukuba… read more.

How a racing heart may alter decision-making brain circuits

Written by | 15 Sep 2021

Anxiety, addiction, and other psychiatric disorders are often characterized by intense states of what scientists call arousal: The heart races, blood pressure readings rise, breaths shorten, and “bad”… read more.

New AI algorithm to improve brain stimulation devices to treat disease

Written by | 9 Sep 2021

For millions of people with epilepsy and movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, electrical stimulation of the brain already is widening treatment possibilities. In the future, electrical stimulation… read more.

There’s a ‘man in the moon’: Why our brains see human faces everywhere

Written by | 3 Aug 2021

It’s so commonplace we barely give it a second thought, but human brains seem hardwired to see human faces where there are none — in objects as varied… read more.

For better migraine treatment try Yoga

Written by | 25 Jul 2021

“Migraine is one of the most common headache disorders, but only about half the people taking medication for it get real relief,” said study author Rohit Bhatia, M.D.,… read more.

Protecting the intellectual abilities of people at risk for psychosis

Written by | 23 Jul 2021

Université de Genève One person in 2000 suffers from a microdeletion of chromosome 22 that can lead to the development of psychotic disorders, such as schizophrenia, in adolescence…. read more.

Treatment found to improve cognitive function in patients with fragile X syndrome

Written by | 8 May 2021

An experimental treatment produced improvements in cognitive function and language in patients with fragile X syndrome, according to study results published on April 29 in Nature Medicine. Fragile X… read more.

Early sugary diet could mean memory trouble later

Written by | 4 Apr 2021

New research shows how drinking sugary beverages early in life may lead to impaired memory in adulthood. The study, published today in Translational Psychiatry, also is the first to… read more.

Mutations associated with early onset dementia

Written by | 28 Dec 2020

Scientists at Trinity College Dublin announced a significant advance in our understanding of an early onset form of dementia that may also progress our understanding of conditions such… read more.

World’s first major study into MS and pregnancy reveals it delays onset of MS symptoms by more than 3 years

Written by | 6 Oct 2020

A comprehensive international study, led by Monash University researchers, has definitively found that pregnancy can delay the onset of multiple sclerosis (MS) by more than 3 years. MS… read more.

New Mayzent data published in Neurology shows sustained effect in delaying disability for up to five years in secondary progressive multiple sclerosis .- Novartis

Written by | 21 Apr 2020

Novartis announced new Mayzent (siponimod) data in the April supplemental issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The data build on existing clinical… read more.

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