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ILTS 2012 Report – Experts discuss balancing the risks with the benefits in liver transplantation

Written by | 28 Jun 2012

by Thomas R. Collins – With a scarcity of livers available for transplantation, there is a tremendous pressure on the medical community to make the best use of… read more.

ILTS 2012 Report – Living donor transplant may work well as first-line choice for infants with biliary atresia

Written by | 28 Jun 2012

by Thomas R. Collins –  A living donor liver transplant can be a safe and effective first-line treatment for very young children with biliary atresia,

How the donors have changed in the last ten years

Written by | 28 Jun 2012

Dr Irene Scalera, Fellow at the Liver Unit at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, describes the ever-changing donor landscape and attempts to improve liver donor shortage.

Youth with Type 2 Diabetes get better results with two-drug treatment

Written by | 14 Jun 2012

by Bruce Sylvester – Combination metformin and rosiglitazone is more effective than metformin monotherapy in youth with recent-onset type 2 diabetes,

Green light for new medicines

Written by | 14 Jun 2012

Emerging uses of EMA Approved Drugs – by Gary Finnegan – Several new medicines have been approved by the European Medicines Agency after recent meetings of its Committee… read more.

What’s new in lung transplantation

Written by | 28 Mar 2012

by Professor John Dark (pictured) – In contrast with that other thoracic organ the heart, activity and optimism in the pulmonary field are both increasing. Contemporay outcomes for… read more.

BTS 2012 – The Medawar Medal

Written by | 28 Mar 2012

Now in its twenty-first year, the Medawar Medal continues to reward excellence and innovation among young scientists and doctors in honour of Sir Peter Medawar, Nobel Laureate and… read more.

BTS 2012 Report – Pathways of MHC Allorecognition

Written by | 28 Mar 2012

by Maria Dalby reporting on the presentation by Robert Lechler, King’s College Hospital, London.  Understanding how a transplant recipient’s immune system recognises the alloantigens that trigger rejection is… read more.

BTS 2012 Report – How risky is too risky? The ethical landscape of Challenging Transplants

Written by | 28 Mar 2012

by Maria Dalby – The Ethics Symposium at this year’s BTS Annual Congress was held in a highly interactive format and dealt with the ethical aspects of particularly… read more.

BTS 2012 Report – How long have I got? Up to date estimates of patient survival

Written by | 28 Mar 2012

by Maria Dalby reporting on the presentation by Dave Collett, Donation Advisory Group, NHS Blood and Transplant.  Patient survival is by far the most important outcome in any… read more.

BTS 2012 Report – Optimising the use of the donor pool: the Spanish experience

Written by | 28 Mar 2012

by Maria Dalby reporting on the presentation by José Ramón Nuñez, Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain.  A nation-wide protocol for retrieving organs after cardiac death outside the… read more.

BTS 2012 Report – Clinical controversy: Islets versus whole pancreas

Written by | 28 Mar 2012

by Maria Dalby reporting on the presentation by Peter Friend, University of Oxford.  Pancreas transplantation for the treatment of diabetes can be said to be unique amongst transplantations… read more.

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