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Daytime eating may benefit mental health

Written by | 22 Sep 2022

Beating the blues with food? A new study adds evidence that meal timing may affect mental health, including levels of depression- and anxiety-related mood. Investigators from Brigham and… read more.

Growth of psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners helped offset drop in psychiatrists

Written by | 14 Sep 2022

The mental health system is increasingly reliant on psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNPs) to meet the psychiatric needs of Medicare patients, according to a new study led… read more.

Routine depression screening may capture underdiagnosed patient populations

Written by | 24 Aug 2022

Screening for depression at the primary care level could dramatically increase the likelihood of treatment for those who are traditionally undertreated — racial and ethnic minority individuals, older… read more.

Vitamin D supplementation seems to alleviate depressive symptoms in adults

Written by | 15 Aug 2022

An extensive meta-analysis suggests that vitamin D supplementation may alleviate depressive symptoms in adults with depression. Conducted by an international team of researchers, the meta-analysis includes dozens of… read more.

Financial and sleeping difficulties are key mental health risk indicators in university students

Written by | 4 Aug 2022

A new study of student wellbeing during the pandemic by the University of Warwick has identified worsened financial situation and sleep difficulties as key indicators of individuals at… read more.

Most British COVID-19 mourners suffer PTSD symptoms, survey finds

Written by | 10 Jul 2022

More than eight out of 10 British people who are seeking support for having lost a loved one to COVID-19 reported alarming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder symptoms, new… read more.

Calls for mental health of both parents to be considered during the perinatal period

Written by | 30 Jun 2022

Perinatal mood disorders such as postnatal depression and perinatal anxiety, may affect both mothers and fathers simultaneously, finds a new systematic review and meta-analysis* led by UCL researchers…. read more.

Increased overdose and mental health risks persist two years after opioid dose reduction

Written by | 25 Jun 2022

Does dose reduction for patients on stable opioid therapy have long-term overdose and mental health risks? Researchers from the UC Davis Center for Healthcare Policy and Research examined… read more.

Single brain scan can diagnose Alzheimer’s disease

Written by | 21 Jun 2022

The research uses machine learning technology to look at structural features within the brain, including in regions not previously associated with Alzheimer’s. The advantage of the technique is… read more.

Progress on early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

Written by | 19 Jun 2022

Inside the body, some seemingly harmless proteins have sinister potential. In the case of Alzheimer’s disease, the amyloid-beta (Aβ) protein, which is vital for brain growth, can become… read more.

A new study shows benefits to dispatching mental health specialists in nonviolent 911 emergencies

Written by | 12 Jun 2022

As U.S. cities rethink the role of law enforcement in nonviolent 911 emergencies, new Stanford research uncovers the strongest evidence yet that dispatching mental health professionals instead of… read more.

Psychotherapy found to be ineffective or unavailable for medicated patients with severe depression

Written by | 8 Jun 2022

Antidepressants are the first-choice treatment for severe depression. Antidepressant use is often supplemented by psychotherapy. Now a major ongoing international study has shown that adding psychotherapy treatment to… read more.

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