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Strong link between depression and early death among elderly diabetics

Written by | 24 Jun 2014

People with diabetes have about double the risk of premature death as people of the same age without diabetes. Studies also have shown that they have about twice… read more.

Metformin 500 mg BID does not protect against heart failure after heart attack in non-diabetic patients

Written by | 29 May 2014

by Bruce Sylvester – Metformin therapy at 500 twice daily (BID) is not protective against heart failure in non-diabetic patients following a heart attack, researchers reported on March… read more.

Computer clusters new sub type asthma patients

Written by | 8 May 2014

Analysis could eventually lead to improved therapy, researcher says.  So many variables can contribute to shortness of breath that no person can keep them all straight. But a… read more.

ACC 2014 Report: Bariatric surgery vs. intensive medical therapy for uncontrolled diabetes: STAMPEDE Trial

Written by | 30 Apr 2014

by Bruce Sylvester – For managing uncontrolled type 2 diabetes in obese patients, gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy are each more effective than intensive medical therapy alone.

ACC 2014 Report: TAVR Real-world heart results consistent with scientific research

Written by | 29 Apr 2014

Study helps put new TAVR technology in perspective for high-risk patients.  The first one-year outcomes data of transcatheter heart valve replacement (TAVR) in nearly all U.S. patients undergoing… read more.

ACC 2014 Report: Proportion of adults affected by new BP guideline

Written by | 25 Apr 2014

Applying the updated 2014 blood pressure (BP) guideline to the U.S. population suggests that nearly 6 million adults are no longer classified as needing hypertension medication, and that… read more.

ACC 2014 Report: Aleglitaza does not reduce risk of CV events in diabetics

Written by | 23 Apr 2014

Use of the drug aleglitazar, which has shown the ability to lower glucose levels and have favorable effects on cholesterol, did not reduce the risk of cardiovascular death,… read more.

BTS Report 2014: 5-year outcomes of a randomized prospective trial (CamTac Trial)

Written by | 22 Apr 2014

Poster Presentation:  Study of alemtuzumab induction with tacrolimus maintenance monotherapy compared to IL2R blockade with tacrolimus/MMF maintenance in kidney transplantation by Adam McLean, Imperial College Kidney & Transplant… read more.

BTS Report 2014: Medawar Medal winner – Poster Presentation

Written by | 22 Apr 2014

Quality assessment of human kidneys using ex-vivo normothermic perfusion by Adam Barlow, University Hospitals of Leicester – Ex-vivo normothermic perfusion is a viable method of preserving kidneys for… read more.

BTS Report 2014: Hypercoagulability in potential pancreas transplant recipients – the value of thromboelastography

Written by | 21 Apr 2014

Maria Dalby reporting on the Oral Presentation by Mari Kilner, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne- Thromboelastography is a method of testing the efficiency of coagulation which measures not… read more.

BTS Report 2014: Variability: does it impact outcomes?

Written by | 18 Apr 2014

Maria Dalby reporting on the Oral Presentation by Marc Clancy, Western Infirmary, Glasgow – Although the mainstay of clinical immunosuppression since the 1980s, calcineurin inhibitors (CNIs) are narrow… read more.

BTS 2014 Report: Renal outcomes following transplantation: which immunosuppression regimen to use?

Written by | 17 Apr 2014

Maria Dalby reporting on the Oral Presentation by Lluís Guirado, Fundació Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain.  Renal function is a strong predictor of patient and graft survival after renal transplantation,… read more.

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