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ASCO GU Report 2013 – Small renal cancers may not need surgery

Written by | 21 Feb 2013

by Eoghan McNeill – Orlando, Florida – When clinicians observe incidental kidney masses, about 78% of the time they are surgically removed – but a new study suggests… read more.

Hypertension – Treat to target with multiple agents

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

by Christine Clark FRPharmS – In association with A.Menarini Pharmaceuticals Ireland Ltd. and Daiichi Sankyo Pharmaceuticals Ireland Ltd. 

Current evidence does not support selenium for preventing heart disease in well-nourished adults

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

A systematic review published today in The Cochrane Library finds that in well-nourished adults current evidence does not support selenium for preventing heart disease.

Vegetarianism can reduce risk of heart disease by up to a third

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

The risk of hospitalisation or death from heart disease is 32% lower in vegetarians than people who eat meat and fish, according to a new study from the… read more.

Radio waves lower persistent high blood pressure

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

Directing short bursts of radio waves at nerves surrounding the kidneys lowered blood pressure for at least six months and up to one year among patients with hypertension… read more.

Mis-folded proteins in heart cells are a key factor in the process of heart failure

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

Despite a substantial increase in the number of people suffering the debilitating and often deadly effects of heart failure, treatments for the condition have not advanced significantly for… read more.

Home blood pressure monitoring may not benefit patients with stroke and hypertension

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

Home blood pressure monitoring may help patients with hypertension and stroke but did not improve blood pressure control for patients who had normal blood pressure at the start… read more.

High blood pressure in young adults likely to go undiagnosed

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

Adults 18-24 years old with high blood pressure were 28 percent less likely to be diagnosed during doctor visits than those 60 and older, according to findings presented… read more.

Doctors fail to communicate impact of heart devices with patients

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

New research at Saint Louis University shows physicians do not talk to patients about the psychosocial impact and long-term risks of implanting cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) to treat irregular… read more.

COPD is not an independent risk factor for lung cancer

Written by | 20 Feb 2013

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer are two of the most important smoking-related diseases worldwide, with a huge combined mortality burden.

New evidence shows ability to metabolise tamoxifen affects breast cancer outcomes

Written by | 19 Feb 2013

For nearly a decade, breast cancer researchers studying the hormone therapy tamoxifen have been divided as to whether genetic differences in liver enzymes affect the drug’s effectiveness and… read more.

Beta-blockers – versatile and effective

Written by | 19 Feb 2013

In association with A.Menarini Pharmaceuticals Ireland Ltd – Beta-blockers are one of the most valuable classes of drugs in the therapeutic armamentarium. They have an established place in… read more.

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