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Pharmacy practice in psychiatry

Written by | 4 Apr 2022

Professor M Lynn Crismon received the 2021 American Society of Health System Pharmacists award for excellence in pharmacy practice leadership. IMI spoke to him to find out more… read more.

Recent developments and primary care goals for ovarian cancer

Written by | 18 Mar 2022

For primary care teams, keeping up-to-date with developments and current best practice is the key to expediting ovarian cancer diagnosis, according to Dr Sharon Tate, Head of Primary… read more.

Diagnosis and self-help for ovarian cancer

Written by | 17 Mar 2022

It is a complete myth that ovarian cancer is a silent killer – even early-stage disease causes symptoms and knowing what they are is key to early treatment,… read more.

Ovarian cancer – facts and symptoms

Written by | 16 Mar 2022

Two thirds of UK women with ovarian cancer are diagnosed late when the cancer has spread and is difficult to treat.  IMI spoke to Dr Sharon Tate, Head… read more.

Mass media and building trust

Written by | 13 Mar 2022

Open discussion of the scientific evidence and the uncertainties could have generated less political polarisation, less wasted expenditure but built more trust, according to Allyson Pollock, Clinical Professor… read more.

Natural immunity and protecting children

Written by | 12 Mar 2022

Covid is far less serious for children, long-covid is not a big issue and many also have natural immunity – all of which raises questions over whether children… read more.

Covid passports – the questions to ask

Written by | 11 Mar 2022

There are several theoretical reasons for implementing vaccine passports but now that none of these apply any longer in the UK it is difficult to see a rationale… read more.

Covid vaccination – the knowns and unknowns

Written by | 10 Mar 2022

Many factors influence decisions about vaccine use including many ‘unknowns’ and this raises questions about the wisdom of targeting young people and recommending boosters for everyone, explains Allyson… read more.

Mass testing – in theory and in practice

Written by | 9 Mar 2022

There was no evidence that mass testing stopped or prevented the transmission of covid-19, according to Professor Allyson Pollock, Clinical Professor of Public Health, Newcastle University. “Mass testing… read more.

Evidence-based public health: Covid control measures

Written by | 8 Mar 2022

As the coronavirus pandemic appears to be running out of steam it is important to review the lessons learned and move forward to ‘living with the virus’. IMI… read more.

The role of black hospital pharmacists and ABHP

Written by | 4 Mar 2022

Dr John Clark is a past president of the Association of Black Hospital Pharmacists (ABHP) – an organisation in the US that champions the proper use of medication in black… read more.

Early education of African American pharmacists

Written by | 3 Mar 2022

A question from a student about the first African-American female pharmacist prompted Dr John Clark to investigate the education of African-American pharmacists; what he found surprised him and… read more.

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